The Cat Scratching Post #8

The top 10 signs that you cat is a genius and thoughts on scratching posts. Cat Music & News Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers Tip of the Day – The Scratching Post Top 10 Signs Your Cat Is A Genius New Podcasts: Mouthy Cat & Cat Calaxy Feline Fun Podcast North Texas Irish Festival SONG: “I’ll Tell […]

St Patrick’s Day Birthday Party

I was born on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. So as I’ve said before, it’s kinda ironic that I now play Irish music. In fact, I notice a lot of synchronicity in my life these days. Like the fact that I wrote a CD called Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers and March 17th is […]

#11: Irish & Celtic Music from Switchback, Paisley Close, Ceann

Irish & Celtic music from Seamus Kennedy, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Heather Dale, Switchback, Trinity River Whalers, Paisley Close, Amadan, The Jolly Rogues, Brobdingnagian Bards, Green Tea, Ceann, Wicked Tinkers, Jayah, The Black Irish, Iad Fein. Shownotes at If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. […]


I own, oh, about seven autoharps. What can I say, it’s an addiction. Actually, it’s not. Rather, I put my autoharps to the test. I don’t know of any other autoharper out there who works their instruments as hard. Don’t get me wrong, thinking I’m bragging. It’s not that. It’s just that I work at […]

Irish Love Songs for a Valentine’s Day in Austin at Things Celtic

As I looked through the mix of Irish and Scottish songs that I play, I found there aren’t that many that are love songs… Rather, they are conditional love songs. “Wild Mountain Thyme” for instance. It’s a love song that says I’ll do anything for you, but if you don’t love me back, screw you! […]

Friends of Irish Music

by Marc Gunn, January 31, 2006 They say you should write what you know. I know the online Celtic music community. My Irish music friendships grow every year. So I thought it was about time I wrote a poem or song about it. Slainte! On a grassy mall, I sat playing songs, When people started […]

Celtic Music Brunch at Mother Egan’s Irish Pub

I got up earlier than usual to go to 24-Hour Fitness. I’ve wanted to learn Yoga for a while. They have a Sunday at noon Yoga class (early? what can I say, I’m a musician). This was my first-ever Yoga class. Oy! What a workout. I’m not used to actually exercising. But it’s good for […]