Genetic Counseling Song (Lyrics)

Performed by Marc Gunn from Selcouth    Genetic Counseling Song Lyrics Gwen and Marc Gunn, music Marc Gunn I ask you questions to build your pedigree You share half-siblings in your history Running short on white out. But I’ve got to correct Your brother of a step mother I don’t need to connect Ancestry, birth […]

How Venice Led to Celtic Heartstrings

How Venice Led to Celtic Heartstrings

I was at the Texas Renaissance Festival in 2001. Andrew called it the Venice faire because it rained a lot that season. It rained so much that I broke 21 strings in one weekend. My tips were forfeited that weekend. I didn’t make enough to cover those broken strings. Ever since then I’ve tried to […]

Pub Songs Podcast #192: Cliffs of Insanity, Success Is Not a Zero-Sum Game

Pub Songs Podcast #192: Cliffs of Insanity, Success Is Not a Zero-Sum Game

Is it insane to think that success is NOT a zero-sum game? Some think that the only way they can “win” is by destroying someone else. I’m gonna share why that’s the lie told by cowards and failures and how you can win through generosity. Brobdingnagian Bards, Van Morrison, The Doubleclicks, Marc Gunn Welcome to […]

Celtfather Monthly: What’s the Name of the Next Album?

Greetings Gunn Runner Life in Atlanta is finally settling down, at least a little bit. I’m starting to get ahead on podcasts, book local gigs, and I have news about my next album. I’ll even tell you the name… First, my blog is becoming packed. I always considered blogs to be very important for any […]

Celtic Halloween Music Podcast Playlists

Celtic Halloween Music Podcast Playlists

There’s a lot of great Halloween Celtic music. But where do you find it? My suggestion is the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I’ve recorded numerous episodes of the podcast over the years with a Celtic Halloween and Samhain theme. Here’s the list: Celtic Music for Halloween #433 Ghost Stories #383 Celtic Halloween #381 The […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #432: What Are You Doing While Listening to Celtic Music?

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #432: What Are You Doing While Listening to Celtic Music?

I want your feedback. What are you doing while listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast? This week, I’m gonna share a bunch of feedback from the past couple o’years. Poisoned Dwarf, Seldom Sober, Songs For Ceilidh, Mitchell & Vincent, Ciunas, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus, Kellswater Bridge, Captain John Stout, The […]

Costs of Two Different Types of House Concerts

Costs of Two Different Types of House Concerts

There are two different types of house concerts. The first is a private concert, where you hire me to perform in your home. The second is where you invite people to your home and accept donations as a ticket. Private house concerts are for people who either have a big event or don’t want to […]

Meeting Mazz O’Flaherty in the Dingle Record Shop

Meeting Mazz O’Flaherty in the Dingle Record Shop

You never know what’s gonna happen on my Celtic Invasion Vacations. What will you see? Who will you meet? The answer to those questions is what makes these trips so powerful and fun. I first met Mazz O’Flaherty ten years on my first Celtic Invasion of Dingle. She owns the smallest record store in Ireland. […]

Pub Songs Podcast #191: The Celts Invade Venice…Again

Pub Songs Podcast #191: The Celts Invade Venice…Again

The Celts are heading back to invade Venice in 2020 as part of my annual Celtic Invasion Vacations. I will share this year’s itinerary and a few facts about the Veneti. Marc Gunn, Alexander James Adams, Vince Conaway, Ciunas, and special guest Tom Smith Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for […]

Marc’s Musings: The Celts Invade Venice

Marc’s Musings: The Celts Invade Venice

I finally finished the basic itinerary for next year’s Celtic Invasion Vacations. You can hear about it in this week’s Pub Songs Podcast. I’m calling it Origins of Celtic Invasions for several reasons. For one, my mom lives there. She moved to Italy in 1985. I have visited many times since. I even graduated high […]