#219: Siren’s Song of the Selkie

We’re back to regular episodes of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast after two weeks of special editions. While looking for songs for the ten year Celtic music retrospective, I couldn’t find some Celtic MP3s that I played on this show. So I dug into my portable hard drive to find a whole bunch of […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #218: Voicemail from Best Celtic Music Retrospective

Last Thursday, I shared a ten-year retrospective of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, featuring 3 hours of great Celtic music by some of the best indie bands online. It was three hours long because fans of the show got behind it through my Celtic Music Challenge. You made pledges to the podcast on Patreon, […]

What Newsletters Do I Publish?

I’m a big fan of using email to promote my music. I’m not great it, but I recognize it’s value and do my best to offer value to you with each of my newsletters. Nevertheless, Kat asked me recently what mailing lists I have, so she could better understand what she was subscribed to. So I […]

#217: 10 Years of Great Irish & Celtic Music, a Retrospective

On July 28, 2005, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was born from my love of Celtic music. I had been cultivating that love through my Celtic Music Magazine which featured album reviews and free Celtic MP3 downloads from many of the bands on this podcast. The podcast quickly overtook the magazine in popularity. I […]

#216: Sleepy Maggie

There’s nothing sleepy about this week’s show. There’s just a ton of great indie Celtic music from The Brayzen Heads, The Tea Merchants, Rambling Sailors, The Gothard Sisters, Slan, Gerry O’Beirne & Rosie Shipley, Mason Brown, Cady Finlayson, Jasper Coal, Arthur Hinds, Connemara Stone Company, The Demon Barbers, Marc Gunn. Find out more at celticmusicpodcast.com/216 If […]

Marc Gunn’s 2015 GenCon Schedule

GenCon is less than three weeks away. I haven’t checked the ticket sales for my shows, but they usually sell out fairly quick. You can see my full GenCon schedule right here. I have three solo shows plus a showcase as part of Friday Night Live. You can buy tickets to my shows here. Special […]

#215: Irish Whiskey on Sunday

Can you believe that Southern liquor laws prevent the sale of alcohol on Sunday? Even after 30 years or so of living in the South, it still boggles my mind. I believe everyone should be able to buy or drink Irish whiskey on Sunday. This is not a political episode though. Just my two cents […]