Celtic Music Magazine: Instrumental Celtic Tunes

Celtic Music Magazine: Instrumental Celtic Tunes

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. Relieve your stress from the pandemic with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Subscribe for 34 Celtic MP3s for free! Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus, Haggis Rampant, Sarah Marie Mullen, The Gatehouse Well, Teton Skye, Bridgid’s Cross, Moch Pryderi, The Rogues, St. James’s Gate, Molly’s […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Plant a Celtic Tree

Celtic Music Magazine: Plant a Celtic Tree

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. Relieve your stress from the pandemic with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Subscribe for 34 Celtic MP3s for free! We Banjo 3, The Gatehouse Well, Heather Dale, Flook, Heidi, Stef & Bow Triplets, Culann’s Hounds, Brobdingnagian Bards, Hearthfire Duo, Catherine Koehler, Wooden Legs, Barleyjuice, […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Pandemic Patience

Celtic Music Magazine: Pandemic Patience

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. Relieve your stress from the pandemic with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Subscribe for 34 Celtic MP3s for free! Jiggy, Eileen Ivers, Barleyjuice, Iron Roux,  Emerald Accent, Jesse Ferguson, Wooden Legs, Celtic Woman, W Ed Harris, SeaStar, Stephanie Claussen, Seasons, Gillian Boucher & Bob […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Tartan Day

Celtic Music Magazine: Tartan Day

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. Tartan Day is on April 6. We may not be able to wear our kilts in public. But we can celebrate Tartan Day with Scottish songs and kilt loving music on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Subscribe for 34 Celtic MP3s for free! Stephanie […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Respect like a celt

Celtic Music Magazine: Respect like a celt

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. Give respect like a Celt today on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Subscribe for 34 Celtic MP3s for free! Lissa Schneckenburger, Stringer’s Ridge, Hanz Araki, Whalebone, Wolf Loescher, Norah Rendell, Olta, Innisfall, Jim McKenna, Ginger Ackley, Battlelegs, Barleyjuice, Xavier Boderiou, Ockham’s Razor, Eileen Ivers […]

Celtic Musicians on Patreon

Celtic Musicians on Patreon

There are many incredible Celtic bands and musicians you can find online. Some even have Patreon pages like I do. With gigs dried for bands around the world, I figured I’d do my part to promote some of the incredible Celtic bands who support their music via Patreon. Iona Fyfe Emma Langford Celtic Conundrum Scottish […]

Celtic Music Magazine: St. Patrick’s Day

Celtic Music Magazine: St. Patrick’s Day

Greetings Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. Happy St Patrick’s Day! Two Hours of St Patrick’s Day music and a free Celtic album that you can download today on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Xavier Boderiou, Stringer’s Ridge, The Selkie Girls, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Gillian Boucher & Bob McNeill, Beyond the […]

Celtic Music Magazine: St Patrick’s Day 17

Celtic Music Magazine: St Patrick’s Day 17

Greetings Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. 17 Irish and Celtic songs and tunes for St Patrick’s Day on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. The Triskells, Flowers of Edinburgh, 3 Pints Gone, The Jig Is Up, ChildsPlay, The King’s Busketeers, Andy Law & Friends, Whiskey Bay Rovers, Nick Metcalf, Vicki […]