Ballroom Dancing, Salsa Dancing, and Swing Dancing in Austin

Tonight, I went salsa dancing. I haven't been dancing in a long time. It was exhausting, but a heckuva lot of fun. I need to go dancing more regularly when I'm in Austin.

Last week, I started looking up swing dancing. The big thing is I want to do social dancing. I want an opportunity to meet more people. So this was fun. I got to dance with a number of ladies though not nearly as many as I'd like to. That's one thing I like about Ballroom dancing socials over other styles. There are some slower dances so you can catch your breath better. Salsa dancing is non-stop fast dancing.

Though I must say salsa dancing seems a misnomer. Rather, here in Austin, it seems to define Latin dancing in general. There was Mambo, Cha Cha, Samba, Merengue, and Salsa all combined in the music of the evening. I thought there'd be lessons, but there weren't quite. There was an instructor who individually danced with various people wanting “lessons”, but they weren't what I expected. I wanted to learn some moves. I'm sooo rusty with dancing. But that's not quite what it was. It was more open social dancing with someone who occasionally instructed.

I figure there are a lot more opportunities for swing dancing in Austin, but really don't know for sure. It's time to review the various opportunities and pursue them.

So here are some of the dance resources in Austin.

Ballroom Dancing

Swing Dancing

Salsa Dancing