Bardic Irish Music on NPR

I was excited to hear my name at the end of a special feature on NPR this morning. It was a 2nd Window Production on Voice of the Troubles: 25 Years After the Irish Hunger Strike. Wow. They played quite a few songs.

They played The Dubliner's Tabby Cats recording of “Cats Chasing Butterflies”. That's Cedric of the Bedlam Bards on fiddle. They also played “The Parting Glass” from Soul of a Harper.

But that's not all. The Brobdingnagian Bards were also on the show. They played a short clip”My Irish Valentine” from A Celtic Renaissance Wedding at 7:30 into the second podcast (yes, the show was podcasted). And I just noticed that melody sorta reminds me of “Featherlight” from Songs of the Muse.