Be On Time

I was reading Seth Godin's latest blog on Time, and how it is “the #1 most overlooked secret of marketing”.

I'm not sure where my sense of timeliness came from. In the 10th grade, I won $100 because I was the only person with a perfect attendance. I never skipped on classes.

Maybe it goes back to grade school? I remember in Maryland I lived on this half circle. We were on the corner next to the bus stop. My parents left early. My brother's junior high bus arrived before mine.

It was cold outside when I woke up. I got ready and groggily watched cartoons while watching for the bus. I fell asleep. When I awoke a couple hours later, I freaked! My parents were gone. It didn't even occur to me that I could just stay home. I knocked on the neighbor's doors. Mrs. Knight kindly drove me to school.

Whatever the case, I can be a stickler for time. Meetings, gigs, whatever, I don't like being late, and I occasionally get annoyed when others are. It's not OCD thing that I even think about. In the grand scheme of my life, it really is minuscule, such that I only bring it up because Seth points it out as a missing “marketing secret”.

I guess what I'm saying is I agree with Seth. Timeliness is important. I hate making a time commitment and not meeting it. So I can only imagine what people who Are sticklers of time would even think about such things.

That's it. Time to go.

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.