Beautiful and Portable at a Ren Faire? If Only I Were Too

Today, I performed at Two Rivers Renaissance Faire with the Brobdingnagian Bards. It was a good day, but I am wiped. I expected this too. As much as I love them, it's becoming more and more difficult to perform at Renaissance festivals. My body just doesn't seem to handle the weather these days. I wasn't very dehydrated, just a little sunburned. And I still took it easy. Ah well…

The faire itself is nice. It's small with a wee body of water in the middle, much smaller than Louisiana Ren Faire's, but just as effective at helping the faire to look larger than it is for a second year faire. But what really struck me as brilliant is the stages. Man! These folks really spent some time building up the stages… and they are mobile.

When I think about all the faires who struggle to build a HUGE stage that turns out to be worthless, and here's this one weekend faire on a non-permanent site, building portable, structurally sound and to top it off beautiful, it makes me go, “Hmm? Why can't more faires do this?”

Hopefully, Andrew will get some pictures of the site tomorrow. As for me, I like what they are doing. And got to see a bunch of cool vendors and meet some cool new people like “Lord Rusty” and Scott Williams. Much more to see too.

Oh! And as a side. Apparently, we got booked thanks to Kristen's Totally Inappropriate Bawdy Holiday Special. Yes. They found us on the Renaissance Festival Podcast.