Best Friends

The packing for my move to New Orleans led me to my closet last night. There I found a box of old photos spilled out on the floor from the cats climbing on the shelves. Among the pile was a picture of Andrew McKee with our group of Moore-Hill Players (an acting troupe from the dorms) visiting the Texas Renaissance Festival. I think it was 1996.

That was one of the first times I remember going to a faire. I had a picture of the Gypsy Guerrilla Band, because they had an autoharp player in the group. A younger Jim Hancock was playing with them as well. There was a puppet and the dark fairy who created art in the dirt up by front gate.

Seeing those pictures of Texas Ren Fest and Andrew got me thinking about those times long ago when he and I started the Brobdingnagian Bards. One of our big goals was to perform at TRF. We worked hard in 1999. We contacted the faire and were fortunate enough to get guest badges. I remember playing music in the water garden. Our instrumental sound had an ethereal feel to it and wow'd quite a few people, as did our lively songs. We worked hard, but it hardly felt like working, as we did our best to entertain.

The years passed, and our success grew. Nine years, he and I laid our legacy as Bards. It was exciting and fun, with Renaissance faires, Celtic festivals, Oscar Parties, Sci Fi conventions, and travel around the world. It was a magical time of my life that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Andrew McKee is an amazing musician and entertainer. I feel blessed to have spent the last nine years working with him. Even more so that I can still call him one of my best friends.

Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.