I first saw them last Christmas. DVD + Digital? “What on earth is that?” I thought. Low and behold it was the greatest invention since sliced bread. I love buying DVDs. It's my guilty pleasure. But I watch almost everything on my iPad or my computer. So I kind of don't want DVDs that much any more… UNLESS they are combined together.
That's where it all started. I LOVE this idea. Especially as more and more fans at shows ask me, “Is your music on iTunes?” Um. Yes. But surely you want a CD, right?
Admittedly, I don't entirely care where you buy my music. I'm just happy when you buy it. But it is nice to see awesome sales at shows, like the one I did at MidSouthCon a couple weekends back. It validates the success of the weekend when I *see* people love my music enough that they want to take it home with them.
I decided I will start doing the same with my CDs. Buy any CD at shows, and I will give you a card to redeem a free download the album through the Celtic Music CD Store. Of course, if you bought any of my albums through the store in the past few months, you knew I was already giving away the ZIPped up album for free with your CD purchase. But I am just now making this publicly available and known.
Now I know there are a LOT of iTunes fans out there. So I'm also working on an option that for five bucks more you can also get a copy through iTunes.
Thank you SO Much for your continued support of my music.
Marc Gunn, The Celtfather