9 Celtic Songs for #CelticThursday

#CelticThursday is an event where our goal as Celts is to share something Celtic from our lives to help celebrate and promote Celtic culture. This week, I thought I’d compile 7 awesome Celtic songs from my Celtic music collection, plus, a special bonus from my Celtic Invasion Vacations. If you enjoy, please share this page. […]

St.Patrick’s Day Drinking Songs

Today’ s Podcast is featuring a bunch of Drinking Songs right in time for St.Patrick’s Day! Grab a pint and sing along! Lyrics are linked to each of the songs below, just in time to learn all of them in time for Tuesday! Have a very Happy St.Paddy’s Day! To subscribe, go to iTunes, or […]

17 Free Celtic MP3 Downloads for St. Patrick’s Day 2015 – 10th Anniversary!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I know it’s not #CelticThursday, but I want to ask you a small favor. Share this newsletter with your friends. They can find a direct link to it at celticmusicpodcast.com/stpatricksday2015 Ten years ago, in 2005, I released the first “17 Free Celtic MP3s for St. Patrick’s Day” article. It’s the most-talked about […]

Are You an Introvert Who Attends Sci Fi Conventions?

I was listening to The Creative Penn podcast and heard the first good advice for professional introverts who attend conventions EVER! You see, most music biz and other professionals say conventions are essential to your success. Go! Network! Yeah, that’s Great advice… for extroverts. But many introverts have a natural aversion to schmoozing. So that advice is shite. […]

Best Irish Drinking Songs Lyrics

Best Irish Drinking Songs is quickly becoming one of my most-popular albums for sale on iTunes. Make sense. It is a compilation that features 20 of the best traditional Irish drinking songs… from my albums, at least. Plus, there are a few originals thrown into that mix. If you’re just getting started with my music, Best Irish […]

St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids Lyrics

First, some news… St Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids is getting a ton of great reviews on Amazon. It’s charting fairly well on iTunes too. I’m still hoping I can get six more reviews by tomorrow, which would be one week after the album was officially released. If I can, I think it will rank fairly […]

St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids, Why It Matters

St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids is now officially on sale all around the ‘net. You can buy it via CD Baby in my Celtic Music CD Store, or on iTunes and Amazon. The physical album looks great, and it’s a lot of fun. So far, I have 10 reviews on Amazon from some fans who […]