Celtic Music DJ Services

I’ve brainstormed the idea of offering Celtic music DJ services for a couple years now.  I have a collection of Celtic music that includes over 12,000 tracks.  I play the music.  I share the music every couple o’weeks in the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Wouldn’t it be cool to have my Celtic music catalog […]

DragonCon 2011 Showtimes Updated

With GenCon over, I’m now anxiously preparing for one of my biggest events of the year, DragonCon.  I just updated my show times.  I have several shows planned including a big filk concert on Friday night and a Firefly Drinking Songs show on Saturday night. Stay tuned for more information, and don’t forget to sign […]

Last Day to Sponsor “Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits”

This is it.  The very last day to sponsor Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits. I really can’t begin to thank everyone who has so graciously sponsored this album. Michael and Nicole Fox were extremely generous enough to be Executive Producers of the album.  That just blows my mind.  Not to mention how much it has […]

Three Days Left to Sponsor Hobbit CD

Do you know where I would be without your amazing donations to my album Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits?  I don’t either. Friends keep telling me that I should to stop producing so many CDs because I still owe money on The Bridge and Happy Songs of Death.  They are right.  I should.  I need […]

Another Bonus for Bilbo’s Bestest Friends

Bilbo only has one Bestest Friend.  I was really hoping that more people would choose that sponsorship level. Then it hit me.  One of those “Duhhh!” moments.  Maybe Bilbo’s Bestest Friends don’t want FIFTEEN awesome copies of Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits.  You may not even like fifteen people you want to share the CD […]

Vote for Your Favorite Fan Club Name Now

First, I  want to thank everyone who nominated a fan club name. I got some great fan club nominations.  In fact, I got so many that I had to narrow it down with your help.  Here are the Top 3 Names for Fans of Marc Gunn: Gunn Runners Gunnies (as in “Gunnies never say die”) […]

Are You Following the Hobbit Movie News?

Since I have a hobbit CD in the works, I thought it was fitting to follow all the latest The Hobbit movie news.  For those who aren’t familiar with it, the movie is finally in production right now.  Peter Jackson returns as the director, along with another all-star cast which includes many of the same […]