Another Bonus for Bilbo’s Bestest Friends

Bilbo only has one Bestest Friend.  I was really hoping that more people would choose that sponsorship level. Then it hit me.  One of those “Duhhh!” moments.  Maybe Bilbo’s Bestest Friends don’t want FIFTEEN awesome copies of Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits.  You may not even like fifteen people you want to share the CD […]

Vote for Your Favorite Fan Club Name Now

First, I  want to thank everyone who nominated a fan club name. I got some great fan club nominations.  In fact, I got so many that I had to narrow it down with your help.  Here are the Top 3 Names for Fans of Marc Gunn: Gunn Runners Gunnies (as in “Gunnies never say die”) […]

Are You Following the Hobbit Movie News?

Since I have a hobbit CD in the works, I thought it was fitting to follow all the latest The Hobbit movie news.  For those who aren’t familiar with it, the movie is finally in production right now.  Peter Jackson returns as the director, along with another all-star cast which includes many of the same […]

#108: Six-Year Anniversary of Irish Celtic Music

Music from Whalebone, Colin Farrell, Abby Green, Beer Belly, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Sligo Rags, Poitin, Vintage Wildflowers, Jameson’s Revenge, Cu Dubh, Lexington Field, Bill Grogan’s Goat, Ellis Island . Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel the world with Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and host of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. See the […]

Who Are Marc Gunn Fans? Pick 3

Last week, I started asking what we should call fans of Marc Gunn.  Below you can find the Top 8 most-popular names.  I want 3 or 4 for the final vote.  So please post your Top 3.  We shall vote on those at the end of the week. Gunn Runners Gunnigans Top Gunns Gunnies Celtic […]

Newsletter: Who Are Marc Gunn Fans? Summer CD Sale

Greetings… Hmm? I don’t know what to call you.  I want a cool name for fans of Marc Gunn.  That’s why I posted the question “Who Are Marc Gunn Fans?”  in my blog.  I want your suggestions. Fans all over Twitter and Facebook piped up.  Here are some of my favorite responses: Gunners Gunnsters Gunnobites Gunnies […]