I want to know why you like my music? So I decided to try something new. I want to have a contest to answer that very question. What is it that you enjoy? How is it different or how is it similar to something else you love? What makes it stand out to you? What […]
Category Archives: News
The latest news, information, and Weeklies about Marc Gunn.
Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #87
Music from Anton Emery, Seamus Stout, Don Grieve, Beer Belly, Marc Gunn, Gaelic Storm, Birch Creek, Black Rose Roisin Dubh, Slan, Brendan O’Loughlin, Hugh Morrison, Na’Bodach, Bill Grogan’s Goat, Heidi Talbot. www.celticmusicpodcast.com Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel the world with Celtic musician and your podcast host, Marc Gunn, See the magic of Ireland during the […]
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
What Color Is Your Podcast?
Nicole posted a comment on my Facebook fan page saying she was thinking about What Color Her Podcast was. That made me think I should remind you about this unique idea… “OMG, I think that is the best $$$ I ever spent.” — Robin S., Missouri In 2008, I was really worried that I wouldn’t […]
Good Things Come to Those Who… Plan!
I talk quite a bit about what’s up and what’s to come in my Pub Songs Podcast. Tonite, I’m in the blogging mood. So I thought I’d write a little about what’s going on with me. And what you can expect to come. I spent much of today working on shownotes for my various podcasts. […]
Brobdingnagian Bards Reunion Concert at DragonCon
You were wondering when or if it would ever happen (I mean every band does it). Last week, I broke the news in my Pub Songs Podcast Science Fiction Convention music. Nearly two years after going our separate ways, Andrew and I have decided to reunite on stage one more time at DragonCon.The Original Celtic […]
Would You Review “The Bridge” For Me?
First, let me say that I LOVE my next CD Kilted For Her Pleasure. The album is just plain fun. It’s kilted Celtic comedy music with a lot of songs that I love to play live: “Close Your Eyes”, “Kilted For Her Pleasure”, “Monahan’s Mudder’s Milk”, “A Drop of Vulcan Blood”, “The Widow and the […]
New Music Promotion Tips with an eBook to Come
Several years ago, I was actively publishing The Bards Crier Music Marketing Newsletter. Every week or so, I sent out an article with guerrilla music promotion tips for bands. The ezine was highly praised by many of the best music marketers online, including Bob Baker who wrote the Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook. I must’ve done […]
Latest iTunes Music Promotion
iTunes likes their iMixes. They like them so much that top-rated iMixes typically push songs up the charts. It just so happens that when songs are at the top of the charts, this equals greater sales and more notice for the artists in the iMix. Because of this, I am putting together a new iMix […]
Marc Gunn Newsletter: A Baby, Wedding, Dr. Demento Interview, Podcasting Anniversary, New Stickers and More
Marc Gunn Newsletter Celtic Music, the Traditional and the Twisted Good food. Good drink. Good company. Proud Supporter of Indie Celtic music. www.marcgunn.com June 28, 2010 “Great Celtic Music! This is (as weird as it may sound) a fun album I have been listening to it continuously since I purchased it (specifically for Johnny Jump […]
LA Renaissance Festival – Save 25% on admission!
From the Louisiana Renaissance Festival: Save 25% on all Friends of Faire, Season Passes and Admission Tickets. Just place your order by Wednesday Night (June 30th). This is an early bird discount that will not be repeated, so buy your passes and tickets now. Tickets can be printed any time between now and opening, so […]