Marc Weeklies: House Concert Call Out

Hey – Jamie here – Marc’s up north somewhere, which considering I live in New Orleans, allows for a lot of options. BUT we rendezvous this weekend for his debut in New York City. THAT’S RIGHT! NEW YORK! So check the show listings for his two shows there. And those of you in the D.C./Maryland/Virginia […]

Free Murder Ballad MP3 – Won’t You Come With Me?

Maybe it was my love of the Kingston Trio singing “Tom Dooley” as a child, or maybe it was totally inspired by watching Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, but when the desire to write a murder ballad overtook me, I ran with it. The song that erupted from my autoharp ended in murder. It also sparked […]

Marc Weeklies

Marc’s on tour, so Jamie’s back! And thinking about patterns and parallels between “Happy Songs of Death” and Frank McCourt. For those of you who have not heard, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “Angela’s Ashes” died yesterday at the age of 78. I think he would have loved “Happy Songs.” McCourt was never maudlin or […]

#69 – Celtic Music Feature on Texas Scottish Festival

Scottish and Celtic music from Beyond the Pale, Hugh Morrison, Jed Marum, Tullamore, Clandestine, Marc Gunn, Ed Miller, Don Gabbert, Mason Brown, The Rogues, Jiggernaut, Brother, The Killdares, The Blarney Rebel Band. Brought to you by Song Henge, the online archive of free and legal Celtic music downloads. Find out more at Do you […]

Marc Gunn at MileHiCon in Denver, CO

MileHiCon is the Largest Science-Fiction Literary Convention in the Rocky Mountain Region. Over 80 authors and speakers come to MileHiCon each year. Programs on various subjects such as Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Science, Music, Filking, Movies, Publishing, and much more. October 23-25, 2009 MileHiCon Hyatt Regency – Tech Center 7800 E. Tufts Ave. Denver, CO […]

Marc Gunn at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA (of the Brobdingnagian Bards)

Dragon*Con is America’s largest convention of Science Fiction, fantasy and horror, comics and art, games and computers, animation, science, music, television and films. There were 20,000 people who attended last year’s convention and this year should prove not too much different. See the latest about Marc Gunn at DragonCon here. Sept 4-7, 2009DragonCon265 Peachtree Street […]

Marc Gunn at New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt, MD

The New Deal Cafe is nestled in historic Roosevelt Center in the heart of Old Greenbelt. Enjoy live music on weekends. New Deal Cafe113 CenterwayGreenbelt, MD(301) Show times:Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 7-9pm Marc Gunn is Celtic American Musician and Podcaster. Good food, good drink and good company. Folk ballads, Irish drinking songs, fantasy, […]

Marc Gunn at Ceol Pub in Brooklyn, NY

Join me for a night at the pub in Brooklyn with some happy songs of death and more. Ceol Pub191 Smith StBrooklyn, NY 11201(347) Show times:Monday, August 3, 2009 at 8-10pm Marc Gunn is Celtic American Musician and Podcaster. Good food, good drink and good company. Folk ballads, Irish drinking songs, fantasy, Sci Fi, […]

Marc Gunn at An Beal Bocht Cafe in Bronx, New York

The Beal Bocht Cafe offers music, poetry, comedy, theatre and art exhibits, making it the premiere venue showcasing both Irish and local artistic talents while enjoying great food and drinks. Our friendly staff will make sure your visit will be memorable. We offer a delicious lunch and dinner menu and we are noted for our […]