Heart’s Ease CD Cover

The CD cover for my latest album Heart’s Ease is done. I hope to send the album off to the printers before I leave for Arkansas and Texas. The photo is by Nancy e. Pearsall. The graphic design by James McDaniel II of Celtophilia. Look for the final CD in March. Originally published at Marc […]

MarsCon Pre-Reg Ends Tomorrow!

Straight from the Great Luke Ski: MARSCON 2009http://www.marscon.com & http://www.marscondementia.comBloomington, MN – Holiday Inn Select (suburb of Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN)March 6th, 7th, & 8th, 2009 The comedy musicians we have performing this year in the Dementia Track at MarsCon 2009 include Music Guest Of Honor Wally Pleasant, nerdcore mega-star MC Lars, Positive Attitude, […]

MarsCon Dementia Music Schedule

Here’s the Dementia Track Main Stage Concert Schedule for MarsCon. Yes, I only have one show scheduled. But you never know where else I’ll pop up or play song. FRIDAY:(Sometime in the afternoon – Possible Oscar set up & sound check)9:00 pm – MARC GUNN (30 minutes)9:30 pm – POSSIBLE OSCAR (30 minutes)10:00 pm – […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #62

Brought to you by Song Henge, the online archive of free and legal Celtic music downloads. Find out more at SongHenge.com Do you download your podcasts by Hand? For shame. Let iTunes do it for you. Underwriting for this program is provided by… Celtic Invasion Vacations. Travel the world with Celtic American musician and your […]

Demand Me Anywhere Around the World

I had an interesting correspondence from my Weeklies where I wrote: “Don’t forget to make a demand to see me perform. I have a growing number of demands in Chicago and the Pacific Northwest. If I can pull in a good 20-30 people signed up there, or anywhere, I will be forced to come see […]

DFW House Concert

I had such an awesome time last summer when I had my CD release party at Raenell’s house. Well, I’m happy to say I will be back there again for another house concert just two days after my solo debut at the Tipperary Inn. Come join me for an amazingly personal evening of Celtic music […]


This is my first year performing at StarFest. My friend Lisa was raved about it last year and since it looks like I won’t be able to make Opus Fest this year, I figured this would be a great opportunity to make my way back to Denver and see all my friends and fans out […]