Celtic Music Magazine: Lunasa

Céad Míle Fáilte, This is Todd. In this week’s issue we have a new episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. We also have new episodes of Pub Songs and Stories, Celtic Myths and Legends, and Celtic Songlines. In addition we have articles about common Irish Halloween phrases and ancient Scottish Halloween customs and […]

Listen: It’s a Celtic Halloween!

Listen: It’s a Celtic Halloween!

I hoped to finish the latest Pub Songs & Stories before I emailed you. Alas, it’s not quite done. But you’re subscribed to the podcast, right? Good. Then you’re all ready for my next Celtic Halloween episode. I share a ghost story I wrote. It has a great chorus: I’ll drink from dusk til dawn […]

Giving Up on “Celtic Music”

Giving Up on “Celtic Music”

I think I’m changing my genre officially to Folk Music. For over twenty years, I’ve called the music I make “Celtic Music”. Because it is. It’s based largely on the music of the Celts, the Irish and Scottish folk songs. It’s the heart of what I do. The problem is the marketing word “Celtic Music”. […]

Marc’s Musings: Watch. Read. Listen. Dream.

Marc’s Musings: Watch. Read. Listen. Dream.

I thought I’d simplify the newsletter today with those four things in case you’re short on time. While you’re at it, check out these recent pictures. Entrance to the Great Hall at ALEP for nightly celebrations WATCH Coffee with The Celtfather will be a publicly show this Wednesday at 11 AM EST. I’m gonna warm […]

Pub Songs & Stories #258: Grace O’Malley & Celtic Invasion Vacation Expectations

Pub Songs & Stories #258: Grace O’Malley & Celtic Invasion Vacation Expectations

Where are we going on the next Celtic Invasion Vacation? Listen and also enjoy some music related to the invasion. Plus, you’ll learn what you can expect to experience when you join an invasion. It’s Pub Songs & Stories #258 WELCOME TO PUB SONGS & STORIES I am Marc Gunn. This is the audio liner […]

Celtic Music Magazine: My Lagan Love

Céad Míle Fáilte This is Todd. In this week’s edition we have a new episode of the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. In addition to that we have new episodes of both the Travelling in Ireland Podcast & Copperplate Time. We also have blog posts on 12 fascinating facts about Grace O’Malley and a new study that […]

What are Album Pins (aka Musical Pins)?

What are Album Pins (aka Musical Pins)?

Can album pins save the indie music business? What is an Album Pin and Why do you want to own one? The music business is changing. Fewer people want to buy CDs. Vinyl is thriving, but the base cost is too high and too cumbersome to store. Cassettes… seriously? Fortunately, there another brilliant new option–the […]

New Podcast, Dragon Con, Kindness and Generosity

New Podcast, Dragon Con, Kindness and Generosity

This was my 20th anniversary at Dragon Con. It was the BEST EVER! The Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers show was another Filk Concert that was packed. People were lined up along the hall listening. Amber, the track director, had to stand at the entrance of the Filk area to tell people there was […]