Louisiana House Concert with Marc Gunn

Join Marc Gunn as he promotes the release of his newest musical romp through traditional Irish music with a kitty-cat twist, Whiskers in the Jar. Friday, July 25, 2008Haeuser House Concert @ 8PMRobert, LASuggested donation $10RSVP to ghislainederouen@hotmail.com or call 225-266-3979Jamie will provide directions to the event.House concerts are the coolest way to catch any […]


The Cactus Cafe is the premiere folk music venue in Austin. The Cactus is an intimate live music performance venue, and since the Cafe opened in February 1979, the Cactus has acquired a national reputation, showcasing the top local, regional, national and international acoustic music acts on the circuit today. It is also the premiere […]

Cat CD Release at Saltwater Grill in New Orleans

CD Release Party for Marc Gunn’s ‘Whiskers in the Jar’Irish Songs for Cat Lovers Saturday, July 26th, 2008Saltwater Grill @ 2-4 PM1340 South Carrollton Ave.New Orleans, LA 70118Benefiting the Louisiana SPCAFree parking – Kids Welcome Join lovers of cats and Irish music as we celebrate the release of Marc Gunn’s newest musical romp through traditional […]

Why Obama for President?

I got an email today. It was a list of “Not Exactly” truths from Obama. Basically, conservative propaganda. I only skimmed it because, honestly, I didn’t care what the email had to say. If you think Clinton or McCain haven’t had just as much “not exactlys”, then I have a bridge to sell you. They’re […]

Whiskers in the Jar Is Now on iTunes

The wee CD for the kitty cat lovers, Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers is now on iTunes complete with the cutest mews your hears will ever hear. Fun Irish music about cats. What’s cooler than that?! Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It’s easy; it’s free.

Celtic Music Is More Alive Than You’d Think

“A writer, when he’s asked to discuss his craft, ought to get up and call out in a loud voice just the names of the writers he loves… I won’t name any living writers. I don’t think it’s right.” J.D. Salinger. It was intriguing when I read that quote. Aside from Turlough O’Carolan, my Celtic […]

I’m Such a Rock Star!

I finally went to the doctor this morning because my sore throat kicked off my sinusitis and as of yesterday, I lost my voice. It’s scary losing your voice when it Is your living. Singing, podcasts, they are both essential parts of my living. To lose them… well, it was the final straw that said, […]

Cactus Cafe Confirmed

It’s confirmed. I’m having a second Austin CD Release Party at the Cactus Cafe on Tues, July 29th Weds, July 30th (it changed) at 8:30 PM to benefit Thundering Paws. I’ll have more details soon. Meantime, mark your calendars!!!! Kitty cat and Celtic songs with an American folk touch. Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. […]

Marc Gunn Internet Radio Stations

Here’s a bunch of stations I put together on SoundClick so you can hear my music. Marc Gunn Featured MarcSongs (200+ songs performed by Marc Gunn) Instrumental Autoharp Music Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers A Tribute to Love 4 Drunk’s Sake: Live Songs from an Irish Pub “Captain Black Jack” Murphy […]

Links and Articles about Free Music Downloads

I’m moving all of the articles that used to be listed on my Celtic Songs & Folk Music Downloads page to this page. It’s interesting info, but not useful overall. Marc Gunn’s Complete Discography A complete list of all the CDs I’ve recorded as a solo artist and in bands. Marc Gunn’s Folk MP3 – […]