Marc Gunn was chosen as a Gold Artist Winner for his new CD A Tribute to Love by as one of their best artists for his focus on musicianship, songwriting and recording quality.
Category Archives: News
The latest news, information, and Weeklies about Marc Gunn.
Procrastination Pays Off – Ireland Vacation Tour and Beyond
After a short break from recording my next cat CD, I finally booked my tickets for the Brobdingnagian Bards Vacation Tour of Ireland. And procrastination paid off. The tickets dropped $150 or so. W00t! The tour is all a go. Right now, we have a nice 15 people booked for the trip. So there is […]
More Cat Songs Officially Begun
Whew! What a day! I’m tired and wired. Today is the start of my studio recording for my next Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD. I drove over to Rich Brotherton’s studio at 10 am with Starbucks in hand. We got started rather quickly. I played him “What Do You Do With a Catnipped […]
Wanted: Cat CD Cover Ideas
Made it back home. Wednesday I start into the studio for More Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. Then I was reminded–I need a new CD cover! I do need to talk to Ingrid Houwers (she designed the first one with the photo by Kristen Roger) about that. But first I wanted to get a […]
Beautiful and Portable at a Ren Faire? If Only I Were Too
Today, I performed at Two Rivers Renaissance Faire with the Brobdingnagian Bards. It was a good day, but I am wiped. I expected this too. As much as I love them, it’s becoming more and more difficult to perform at Renaissance festivals. My body just doesn’t seem to handle the weather these days. I wasn’t […]
Eugene House Concert (Live MP3 Show)
Recorded live at a house concert in Eugene, Oregon on January 31, 2007. This show features a wide variety of music and stories recorded during the show. Listen and download the show at the Pub Songs Podcast website. However, if you would like the show broken into MP3s, or you just enjoy the show and […]
Reviewers Wanted – Three Movie and TV Songs for Geeks Like Me
I am looking for TWENTY REVIEWERS to review Three Movie and TV Songs for Geeks Like Me on iTunes. The three song CD is exactly what the name says, original songs I wrote inspired by movie and TV shows. All you have to do is write a short review on iTunes, and I will send […]
Marc Gunn on Dr. Demento
The FuMP does it again! My song “I Saved The Planet Earth” was played on The Dr. Demento Show #08-04 – January 27, 2008. If ye like the song, go request it there. Maybe it’ll end up on the monthly T0p Ten. Incidentally, I hope to add that song to my upcoming CD, “What Color […]
Reviewers Wanted for “Victims of Irish Music”
I am looking for TWENTY REVIEWERS to review the Victims of Irish Music CD. This compilation features all-instrumental Irish music. It has already received rave reviews, but I want more, especially on iTunes, in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Here’s what is on the album. “Cooley’s Set (Reels: Cooley’s Reel,/Sporting Paddy/Toss The Feathers)” by Wild […]
CD of the Week – Patrick’s Head
Thanks to the CD player in my new car, I’m listening to a lot of CDs that came to my mailbox over the past year or so. The latest was Patrick’s Head’s new CD “Arse Biscuits”. I love it! With a title like Patrick’s Head, I assumed it was a Celtic rock band, but it’s […]