Cat Loving Fame

So tonight we did a promo at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival site. Andrew and I were playing “Wild Rover” by the beer garden. After the song, the pretzel man stopped us and said, “Have you heard that CD, ‘Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers‘?” I laughed. He then went on to say how he played […]

Celtic Christmas Music

Everyone seems to release a Christmas Music CD this time of year. So it is no big surprise that there is also a lot of great Celtic Christmas music out there as well. The idea of Celtic Christmas music is actually kinda funny since Christmas is not a typical Celtic holiday, except outside of Wales. […]

Updates from the Past Couple of Weeks.

It’s been an interesting couple o’weeks. Right now, Andrew and I are performing as the Brobdingnagian Bards at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. And it’s filled with interesting things. So let’s take a step back and recap. Just a few weeks ago, we were hit with a booking/internet fraud. We lost $2500. But thanks to our […]

Notes about the Louisiana Renaissance Festival

Oh! I was just reminded of a couple of corrections I need to point out if you plan to come see us at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. If you’ve checked the faire’s schedule, you’ll note it differs a bit from the schedule on our website. The times are the same, but the acts are not. […]

Singin’ in the Rain DVD

I finally got around to watching the special edition of “Singin’ in the Rain” that I got from Amazon this summer. It’s beautifully delicious. But as I watch it, for some reason, I’m jonesing to make a music video for some song. I don’t know why. But it really started after watching the special edition […]

Renaissance Festival Podcast, Vol. 1 – Compilation CD

The Renaissance Festival Podcast is a free, bi-monthly, downloadable radio show of Renaissance festival entertainment. It is hosted by Marc Gunn and Kristen Roger, and produced Joe Haydu and Marc Gunn, the show features music and entertainment from around the world. Now we are proud to announce our latest compilation CD. This album benefits the […]

Renaissance Festival Podcast Compilation

Alrighty, I have the latest arrangement of tracks for the upcoming Renaissance Festival Podcast compilation CD. It features 24 tracks of great Renaissance festival music! That is 78 minutes of music. Wow! Track Listing:1. Fugli – Crazy Leo’s Indulgences2. Bedlam Bards – Bedlam Boys / Bear Dance3. Bramblebush – Mary Mac4. Bocca Musica – Nancy5. […]