Live CD Update

It’s just past mid-day and the new the Brobdingnagian Bards’ CD, LIVE: Nex Monoceroti, Per Risibus is selling well. We’re about a third of the way from our goal for today. If we sell over 100, maybe 120 CDs, we should hit #1 on CD Baby in the next couple days. It usually takes a […]

Middlefaire and Order Brobdingnagian Bards LIVE NOW!

Back home from Middlefaire. My first faire solo. It wasn’t too bad. I pulled off the shows well enough. Well, I did on Sunday at least. Saturday, I felt like I was in a daze. It was one of those days, I really wish Andrew was there because he could hopefully cover for ‘space out’ […]

Cool Happenings in Theatre Class

Hey Marc! Something kinda cool happened today. You see, I was sitting in Theatre class just after the bell rang, and I heard a very interesting rhythmic ensemble of chiming. It sounded so very familiar…I think it was, hmmm, autoharp? Or something like that? Two more bars into it the recorder came in and I […]

Free Celtic Music, The Sequel

Nothing is impossible. That’s been my rule of thumb for a while. The toughest thing is dreaming up the impossible and then pursuing it whole heartedly. But as Seth Godin points out, “when you do something that everyone said was impossible, or that they never even considered, you get remembered for a long, long time.” […]

Celtic Heritage Festival 2007

The 16th annual Celtic Heritage Festival is almost here! The Festival is on October 13 & 14th, 2007 at the Bedford Boys Ranch, Bedford Texas. The Festival celebrates the heritage of the seven Celtic nations (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Brittany and Galicia) and features an entertaining blend of traditional and modern Celtic […]

My Weekend

Had a nice weekend. Recorded a new song. Wrote another new one, improve style too. Meaning I just started jamming and kinda wrote a story off the top of my head. And it’s a bit different since I added percussion too. And I recorded it. Listen here. Kinda catchy I think. Friday I went down […]

How to Get More Songs on Your Myspace Music Profile

If you do any bit of surfing on Myspace you see most artists have five songs. But now and then you’ll see an artist many more than five. How did they do it? How did they get more songs on their myspace music profile? I’ve been trying to find out that for a long time. […]

Join Me in Ireland

MARC’S MUSINGS — September 29, 2007 – Marc’s Music News – New CD Single! – New MP3 – Summer’s End – Solo at MiddleFaire – 2nd Ireland Tour – MarcSongs Podcast Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, go to the end of this newsletter. Visit My Store Now! Marc’s Musings Greetings Amici, […]