Podcasts That Love Marc Gunn

Love? Okay, maybe not. But they did play my music. It’s being played fairly regularly. Well, between my music and the Brobdingnagian Bards. But when there’s meowing involved, what do you expect? As an extra cool aspect, I was played on Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code. That kicks major booty! It helps that there are […]

#13: Irish & Celtic Music from Karen Mal, Fardaxu, Seamus Kennedy

Irish & Celtic music from Karen Mal, Fardaxu, Seamus Kennedy, Kevin Behan, Boru’s Ghost, The Tea Merchants, Brothers 3, Jed Marum, Thomas “Doc” Grauzer, Queen’s Gambit, Empty Hats, The Wicked Tinkers, Canned Haggis, Marc Gunn. Shownotes at celticmusicpodcast.com/013 If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Then subscribe […]

#12: Irish & Celtic Music from Trinity River Whalers, Barleyjuice, The Killdares

Irish & Celtic music from Mrs. Ferris’s Pighouse Collection, Barleyjuice, The Killdares, Piper’s Creek, Trinity River Whalers, Poor Man’s Fortune, The Makem and Spain Brothers, Sarah Dinan, Ed Miller, Brobdingnagian Bards, The Muses, Bedlam Bards, Michael Murphy and The River Shannon Band. Shownotes at celticmusicpodcast.com/012 If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on […]

St Patrick’s Day Birthday Party

I was born on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. So as I’ve said before, it’s kinda ironic that I now play Irish music. In fact, I notice a lot of synchronicity in my life these days. Like the fact that I wrote a CD called Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers and March 17th is […]

#11: Irish & Celtic Music from Switchback, Paisley Close, Ceann

Irish & Celtic music from Seamus Kennedy, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Heather Dale, Switchback, Trinity River Whalers, Paisley Close, Amadan, The Jolly Rogues, Brobdingnagian Bards, Green Tea, Ceann, Wicked Tinkers, Jayah, The Black Irish, Iad Fein. Shownotes at celticmusicpodcast.com/011 If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. […]


I own, oh, about seven autoharps. What can I say, it’s an addiction. Actually, it’s not. Rather, I put my autoharps to the test. I don’t know of any other autoharper out there who works their instruments as hard. Don’t get me wrong, thinking I’m bragging. It’s not that. It’s just that I work at […]