#2: Irish Music Podcast

Irish Celtic music from StoneRing, The Slip, Hugh Morrison, Brobdingnagian Bards, Caladh, MacTalla Mor, Lenahan, The Bloody Irish Boys, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Celtic Stone. Enjoy! www.celticmusicpodcast.com//002 This Week in Celtic Music 0:05 “The Haughs of Cromdale/Johnny Cope” by StoneRing from A Toast to the Company 6:56 “Donegal Lass/Maids of Mt. Cisco/Siobhan O’Donnell’s” by The Slip 11:58 “The Hills o’Yarrows” by […]

My Film Acting Debut in Deadbacks

Dear Diary, today I was eaten alive… I was standing there with my wife Ellen peering through the trees when we saw them–a group of people trespassing on MY land! Holy sh*t! How dare they! I was ready for a major ass-kicking. Ellen and I ran out of the bushes. Our 12-gage shotgunns were locked […]

#1: Irish Music Podcast

Irish Celtic music from Susan Hamlin, Three Quarter Ale, Dust Rhinos, Cluan, Fathom, The BorderCollies, Tara’s Fire, Paul McKenna, Marc Gunn & The Dublienrs’ Tabby Cats, and Brobdingnagian Bards. Enjoy and share! www.celticmusicpodcast.com/001 This Week in Irish Music 0:17 “Gort na Salean (Salley Gardens)” by Susan Hamlin from Younger than the Sun 4:19 “Two Magicians” by Three Quarter Ale from Three […]

How Amway and Elvis Presley Made My Dreams Come True

It was 1992. I was living in a roach infested apartment off Riverside Drive in Austin. My brother had left the army and needed a place to stay. For about four months he was living with my roommate Jason and me. We used to live in San Antonio so Sean started visiting his friend Rafael […]

Best of Austin 2005

The Austin Chronicle’s annual Best of Austin Poll covers everything that’s not music. In the best, the Brobdingnagian Bards won “Best Renaissance Men” and “Best Way to Fix Your Computer and Fight Dragons”. There are not quite as many catergories that we are hoping to win, but we have lots of friends who we’d love […]

Ode of Oceanflame Poetry Blog Review

I saw this Ode of Oceanflame Review which made me rather happy. The writer was reviewing literary blogs and seemed fairly pleased with my poetry blog. Description: Celtic Poems written by the Celtic Folk Singer, Marc Gunn. Content: 4 stars Explanation: The poems are all free verse, do not seem to have a flowing rhythm, […]

Tony Winning SPAMALOT Music on a REN FAIRE CD

I first learned about Monty Python in college. One of my friends learned I had not heard of Monty Python’s Holy Grail. They were shocked and dragged me to the Texas Union theatre at the University of Texas to watch the movie. I was a big Dungeons & Dragons fan so I was captivated. They […]

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Review

Yay! I saw Episode 3. Of the Episodes 1-3, this is by far the best. It’s still not nearly as good as the Episodes 4-6. Andrew and I talked about it and I think Sudden Death said it best on his new CD, Die Laughing. “You don’t need a plot you got CGI.” Again, don’t […]

Poetry Book Review of “Bella Filiocht”

I got Bella Filiocht in the mail yesterday, I couldn’t put it down. It’s profound in a word, but to stop there would sell it short. It’s beautiful, and deep, heartfelt and funny, all at once. I read the whole thing before I went to sleep. – Emilee Rush, Oklahoma