Celtfather Live for October 22, 2020

My next Celtfather Live show is officially scheduled for Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 8:00 PM Eastern. It’ll be over an hour long. You can buy your tickets here. This is different from what I’ve been doing for my Celtfather Live evening shows in the past. I am now doing weekly shows on YouTube with […]

Hobbit Drinking Songs, Coffee Returns, Dragon Con

Hobbit Drinking Songs, Coffee Returns, Dragon Con

So far things are going pretty well for Dragon Con 2020. I had several shows. They were fairly well-attended. We made some tips, sold some CDs, and even made a few new fans! Wednesday was the Brobdingnagian Bards Dragon Con Pre-Show Concert with the Filk Music Track. It was a fun show. We worked some […]

Dragon Con 2020 ONLINE

Dragon Con 2020 ONLINE

Dragon Con is back once again. I have performed there since 2002. I couldn’t let a dumb pandemic stop me from performing at the convention after 18 years. So I am joining the Dragon Con Filk Music Track for several performances. I have a couple solo shows, a couple workshops, and a couple shows (including […]

Celtfather Monthly #263: YouTube Success, Social Distancing CD Sales

Celtfather Monthly #263: YouTube Success, Social Distancing CD Sales

There were a lot of new podcasts and videos I released in May. I had saw some YouTube success. I recorded a Pride Month podcast. I learned new techniques for live streaming shows. I lost a Bog Off… twice. I worked on my next CD. And I started planning how to sell physical CDs at […]

Celtfather Monthly #262: Is It Evergreen? – May 2020

Greetings Gunn Runner April was a pretty good month for me overall. Looking back, I feel like I was fairly productive. But I’m not sure about May yet… Let’s try and unpack it… on show #262. 0:26 – PODCASTS The Pub Songs Podcast is going strong with two episodes in April, as planned. One based around my […]

Marc’s Musings: Castle in Ireland, Arbor Day, Celtic Heartstrings

Marc’s Musings: Castle in Ireland, Arbor Day, Celtic Heartstrings

How are you? I gotta say. I’m getting tired of quarantine. I miss knowing when my regular work day is. But we’re in the height of the pandemic. We need to persist at least another month. Ugh! Fortunately, there’s a lot to do. I’m completing a ton of things around the house that I put […]

It just doesn’t work for me…

I find myself reverting to days of old. You know. The late 2000s… I think it was 2009 when I Marc’s Musings was in full swing. I used my newsletter to keep you up-to-date with news and… musings. The past couple o’ years I changed the format. I tried to focus. One item per newsletter. […]

Celtfather Monthly: April 2020 – Morbid Irony in the Music Business

Greetings Gunn Runner What a crazy March! Covid19 took over the world. St Patrick’s Day disappeared, along with most musician gigs. But my Kickstarter for Selcouth was a huge success. Let’s try and unpack it… on show #260. 0:28 – PODCASTS The Pub Songs Podcast is my new favorite thing. It accomplishes many of the goals that […]

Celtfather Monthly: March 2020

Greetings Gunn Runner And farewell February. Things might’ve run a little behind. But I made big progress this month. Especially with the release of my Kickstarter for Selcouth. I conquered my $5000 goal just a few days after it launched. It still has two weeks to go. So I’m feeling pretty good about it so […]