Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #132 Is Now Online

Today’s show features Irish Celtic music from The Tea Merchants, Free Range String Band, The Duplets, Dave Hum, Ginger Ackley, The Rogues, Lachlan, Poitin, Baroque & Hungry, Samantha Gillogly & Tim Maurice, Angus Mohr, The Merry Peddlers, The Tomfooligans, Sisters of Murphy, Laura McGhee. You’ll also learn about Brobdingnagian Bards’ End of the World […]

#132: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

Irish Celtic music from The Tea Merchants, Free Range String Band, The Duplets, Dave Hum, Ginger Ackley, The Rogues, Lachlan, Poitin, Baroque & Hungry, Samantha Gillogly & Tim Maurice, Angus Mohr, The Merry Peddlers, The Tomfooligans, Sisters of Murphy, Laura McGhee. Subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. Remember to support the artists who support […]

Rogues Interview and Repost of an Old CD Review

I just got back from LA Ren faire. Had a great time. I interviewed Randy Wothke of The Rogues regarding his new endeavor. I’m excited to see a return of the classic Rogues. So I also reposted a review I wrote of their CD 5.0 many, many long years ago. Tomorrow, I will try and […]

Exciting Return to the Louisiana Renaissance Festival

I just sat down at PJs Coffee House in Hammond, Louisiana to do a wee bit o’work before I head to the Haeuser Hotel this evening. Tomorrow is the first day of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival.  I will join other great musicians like Craig of Farrington, Vince Conaway, and Jamie Haeuser. Plus, amazing entertainers like […]