I am slowly learning how to make music videos at the suggestion of every music marketer online. Earlier this week, I upgraded my phone to an iPhone 4S. It will allow you to record videos and with a simple app, you can create a music video on your iPhone. Kenzie needed to get out of […]
Category Archives: Parenting
Last Thursday, my daughter Kenzie had her surgery. We went to the hospital at o’dark thirty and waited nervously throughout the day to learn if she was okay. This was the big scary one. It was open-heart surgery to fix the ventricles, close the shunt, and add a valve to the aorta. It was performed […]
Kenzie’s First Steps
I was surprised on Monday when I got home to see Kenzie take a few short steps. I was so busy with DragonCon this weekend that I didn’t realize Gwen was helping her to walk all weekend. Yesterday, she took many, many more steps by herself. When Gwen came home from school, she was thrilled […]
Baby Games: Over There
This is the newest game in Kenzie’s arsenal. Gwen called it “Over There”. It requires the fine baby skill of pointing. Here’s how to play for all you kids. Step 1. Get a parent to pick you. This can be from crying, reaching up, or grabbing hold of daddy’s leg hair. Step 2. Use that […]
Stay-at-Home Dad Misconceptions for the First Year
Stay-at-home dad. Day 3. Before my daughter Kenzie was born, I imagined what life would be like when my wife went back to grad school, and I was a full-time, stay-at-home dad. I heard about “babywearing”, where you put your child in a carrier and wear her all day long. I tried that a couple […]

Support Kenzie
Heather Kenzie Gunn was born on October 27, 2010. She weighed 7 lbs 6 ozs and was 19.5 inches long. We call her Kenzie, and she is Beautiful! The sad thing is that Kenzie was born with a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia. I’m no good at explaining the details, […]