Gunn Runners Podcast #1

The Gunn Runners Podcast is a brand new weekly show designed for fans of Marc Gunn.  Here, I will share with you my latest news, upcoming shows, updates on my podcasts, goals, new CDs planned, and what’s happening in my life. It’s basically everything the Pub Songs Podcast was, but without the music.  I started […]

Pub Songs #95: Surgery, A Long Expected Party, Getting Back to Routine

It’s been a while, but I’m back with another show.  This one is for the Gunn Runners.  There’s some great music, but I have a lot to say to update you with all my news.  So check it out. Kenzie update Computer and microphone updates Kickstarter Campaign to Update Gear. Stay tuned. Limited Edition T-Shirt […]

Renaissance Festival Podcast Wins in the Parsec Awards

Once again, I was invited to perform at the Parsec Awards at DragonCon 2011.  Playing music was no surprise but when the Renaissance Festival Podcast announced as winner of the 2011 Parsec Awards for Best Music Podcast, I was a bit blown away. I started this podcast back in 2005 to highlight all the great […]

Pub Songs #94: Marc Gunn Fan Club Named Gunn Runners

Pub Songs #94: Marc Gunn Fan Club Named Gunn Runners

The official poll is over. The name of the Marc Gunn Fan Club is Gunn Runners. I also share news about delays to my hobbit CD and awesome music from Marc Gunn, Redhill Rats, Danny Guinan & Red, The Rogues, Barleyjuice. Gunn Runners Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits CD Release date change and delay DragonCon New […]

Pub Songs #93: The Full-Time Daddy, Starting Your Own Fan Blog

Potential fan club names: Gunn Runners, Brownkilts, Gunnies. Vote here. GenCon in review Kenzie hearth catheter and upcoming surgery Full-time daddy DragonCon prep People wanting to use my music for videos, to play, etc… Starting your own fan page Feeddler app Marc Gunn Box Set on Sale at the Celtic Music CD Store until today, […]

Pub Songs #92: GenCon Sci Fi Music, Fan Club Polls Now Open

Potential fan club names: Gunn Runners, Brownkilts, Gunnies Science Fiction Convention Music PlayOnCon in Review. Plus, reflections on GenCon and DragonCon. How the Firefly Drinking Songs show went. Marc Gunn Box Set on Sale at the Celtic Music CD Store Featured on blogs: Firefly Drinking Songs. YES! (review), DDO Cast (podcast feature), Danny Boy on […]

Pub Songs #91: Nominate Your Favorite Fan Club Name

Potential fan club names: Gunn Runners, Gunnigans, Top Gunns, Celtic Gunns, Harp Hounds, Brownkilts, Celtic Cats, Gunnies Kenzie Crawling video Sponsor Pub Songs Podcast, contact Marc Firefly Drinking Songs tops the charts for Field Recordings and Drinking Songs Recorded the last songs for Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits. Last chance to sponsor Hobbits on Aug […]

Celtic MP3s Music Magazine Offers New Free Celtic Music Downloads

Last Fall, the free Celtic MP3s part of the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine disappeared when one of my associates was unable to continue compiling the artists.  I’ve trying to get it back up and running since then. I uploaded a few new artists recently and now I set up a podcast feed so you can […]

Pub Songs #90: PlayOnCon and New Google Plus Promotion

Lessons Learned from 80s TV (like A-Team) Matthew Hughes on Bilbo’s Farewell New bonus for sponsors of Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits. Get the original tracks of just Marc and the autoharp. The Ultimate Celtic Songs for Sci Fi Geeks was sent out to sponsors of the album New Podcasts: Renaissance Festival Podcast 6th Annual […]

Cats and Kids #20

The challenges of having cats with a new born baby? Cat Music & News My daughter Kenzie and my cats Cat Music blog updated Google+ and Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers Your Cat and the New Kid on the Block: Cats and Babies, can they co-exist?, Pets & Babies Toxoplasmosis: Cats and Babies When Cats Attack  Song: “Big Strong […]