St. Patrick’s Day Podcast #4 – Three Months to St. Patrick’s Day

Music from  Cady Finlayson, Ed Miller, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Beth Patterson, Jasper Coal, Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer, Maidens IV, SlipJig, The Dubliners’ Tabby Cats, Jed Marum with Hugh Morrison and Mason Brown, Hugh Morrison, Round the House, Sarah Dinan, Rattle the Boards, Marc Gunn. Sponsor: Kilted For Her Pleasure Marc Gunn’s newest of Kilted […]

Pub Songs #77: What Is Celtic Christmas Music Anyway?

After last week’s show, I had to ask myself “What is Celtic Christmas music anyway?” It’s a fairly generic, marketing term, just like “Celtic music”. But for me it conjures up certain images and sounds that *I* want to hear. Love to hear your thoughts on it as well. Notes: Promote My Music on […]

Pub Songs #76: Celtic Christmas Music

I’m back from a month-long break and happy to announce a new baby in my family. Show #76 celebrates Kenzie’s birth plus the magic and music of a Celtic Christmas. Notes: Promote My Music on Request Celtic Christmas Elf Conscription Song New episodes of the Celtic Christmas Podcast are coming soon! Celtic Christmas Music […]

St. Patrick’s Day Podcast #3 – Four Months to St. Patrick’s Day

Music from Kennedy’s Kitchem, Jimi McRae, Marc Gunn, The Langer’s Ball, Bedlam Bards, Pitch the Peat, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Pandora Celtica, Rathkeltair, FIMM, Hugh Morrison, Heather Dale, MacTalla Mor, Heather Alexander. Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel to the world with your Celtic musician and podcast host, Marc Gunn, See the magic of […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #93: Celtic Music Feature on Poitin’s CD “Jiggery Pokery”

Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk among the rolling green hills of Ireland? Picture the texture of standing stones, the sounds of Irish fiddle, and the wet taste of Guinness on your lips and you’re just now beginning to understand how cool it will be next June when you join me […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #92: Music for Halloween and Samhain

Music from Stonecircle, Heather Dale, Poitin, Crepuscule, Grey Aengus, Jasper Coal, Battlelegs, Circled by Hounds, Serious Kitchen, Poor Man’s Fortune, David Nigel Lloyd, Minstrels of Mayhem, Ockham’s Razor, John McLean Allan, Hair of the Dog, Angus Mohr, Rising Gael. Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk among the rolling green hills […]

Pub Songs #75: Celtic October

This is the final Pub Songs Podcast before my daughter is born. With any luck it’ll be no later than her due date on October 23rd, but we’re still waiting. Meantime, lots of thoughtful news. Notes: New iMix Promotion: October iMix. Please give your feedback and suggestions for next month. Promote My Music on […]

St. Patrick’s Day Podcast #2 – Five Months to St. Patrick’s Day

Music from Beth Patterson, Marc Gunn, Cady Finlayson, Black 47, The Blarney Rebel Band, Bow Triplets, Jesse Ferguson, The Brazen Heads, Brobdingnagian Bards, Brendan O’Loughlin, Claire Roche, Athas, StoneRing, The Tea Merchants, Emerald Rose. Sponsor: Kilted For Her Pleasure is Marc Gunn’s newest CD of Kilted Celtic Comedy music It features 15 tracks […]