Pub Songs #74: Random Acts of Kindess and Celtic Music

I thought this was published last week, but when I published #75, apparently I deleted it. Sooooo here goes again. Notes: New iMix Promotion: October iMix. Please give your feedback and suggestions for next month. Promote My Music on Request Peggy Gordon and Kilted For Her Pleasure. The Reel Book Call 678-CELT-POD. That’s 678-235-8763 […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #91: Special Feature on Jed Marum’s “The Soul of a Wanderer”

Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk among the rolling green hills of Ireland? Picture the texture of standing stones, the sounds of Irish fiddle, and the wet taste of Guinness on your lips and you’re just now beginning to understand how cool it will be next June when you join me […]

Pub Songs #73: Learn the Secret of Mage Records

Lots of great music, plus a few thoughts on this podcast taking a wee break for my daughter’s birth. Notes: Learn the secret of what MAGE of Mage Records stands for? New iMix Promotion: October iMix. Please give your feedback and suggestions for next month. Marc Gunn featured on Discmakers DVD on Promotion Bards Crier […]

Pub Songs #72: Things I Learned on the Late, Great

Pub Songs #72: Things I Learned on the Late, Great

It’s been a busy week as I dive back into the Social Media promotion. It raises many memories about my times on when the Brobdingnagian Bards first hit it big. And don’t forget to listen into the two contests that make their appearance in this week’s show. Notes: New: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast […]

Pub Songs #71: Live from DragonCon with Firefly Drinking Songs

I recorded a live Pub Songs Podcast panel at DragonCon. But this was not your typical live show. This time, I got together with the Bedlam Bards and we sang songs for Firefly. Our goal is to release a live Firefly Drinking Songs CD using some of this live recording. Today’s show is the uncut […]

St. Patrick’s Day Podcast #1 – Six Months to St. Patrick’s Day

Music from Athas, FIMM, Marc Gunn, The Rogues, Ceann, Tullamore, Bedlam Bards, Abby Green, Aisling, Albannach, Diane Linn, Rattle the Boards, Atlantic Wave, Barleyjuice. Sponsor: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is a free downloadable Celtic radio show of independent Irish & Celtic music. Every hour-long episode features a […]

Pub Songs #70: DragonCon in Review and a Look at Perspective

This week, I’m gonna tell you just how awesome DragonCon was. You’re gonna wish you were there. But that’s not all. I also got a cool email about little girl who heard “Molly Malone” from the cat’s perspective. It leads me into a few questions about that very topic. Plus, I want your feedback on […]

Pub Songs #69: Charting Your Celtic Music Success and Rolling Stones Magazine

I had a wee eye-opening this week as I realized I downplayed some of my success with Kilted For H er Pleasure in the last show. I aim bigger than most Celtic bands online. So I expect more. But in all fairness, the release of Kilted was a huge success, topping a variety of charts. […]

Hemingway Cats, Plus Tips for Trimming Kitty Claws #18

We delve into the world of trimming kitty claws while we visit some of Hemingway’s cats and what makes them so special. Cat Music & News Hemingway Cats Polydactyl Cats Tips for Clipping Kitty Claws from eHow and the CFA Trashy Kitty Rate this Cat Lovers iMix – Cat Lovers Podcast “To the Begging He Will Go” by Marc Gunn […]

Introducing the St. Patrick’s Day Podcast Starting September 17th, 2010

Just because St. Patrick’s Day only happens on March 17th does not mean you can’t enjoy the holiday year round. The St. Patrick’s Day Podcast was created to celebrate the music and culture of the Irish through this great holiday. There are two main goals for this podcast. The first reason is that I want […]