Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #43: Celtic Christmas Special

Beautiful Celtic Christmas music from the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast! Gypsy Soul, Athas, Seamus Kennedy, The Ravens, Cady Finlayson, Celtic Stone, Merry Wives of Windsor, Celeste Howard, Drink Bar, Heather Dale, Coyote Run, The Black House Ceilidh, Arminta, Brobdingnagian Bards, The Gryphon Carolers, Steve and Ruth Smith, Nick Hennessey Brought to you by Song Henge, the online archive of free […]

“My Father Was a Werewolf” MP3

Not too long ago a band called Redhill Rats submitted music to my Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I loved their style so I played “My Father Was a Werewolf” in the show. A listener, authoress and fan of Harry Potter, named Peg Kerr, loved the song too. So much so that she filked it. […]

New MP3 – Auld Lang Syne

It’s New Years Eve. I’ve wanted to record “Auld Lang Syne” for years now. It’s just a beautiful song. As I was napping today, I finally came up with a solo arrangement for this classic song by Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland. “Auld Lang Syne”From: The Bridge: Celtic and Folk SongsDownload MP3: 192 kbps […]

“Of Twilight Shores and Heroes’ Death” MP3s

I’ve been on a writing binge this Fall, especially of instrumental autoharp music. I love the sound the autoharp creates. It’s very unique and I’ve heard no one experiment with effects. When I wrote this, my goal was to create a musical landscape to express my mood at the time. It was only late that […]

Keep Your Cats Safe for Thanksgiving #13

New Producer, Top Ways to Have a Cat-Safe Thanksgiving, and thanksgiving tribute to cats. Cat Music & News Get your copy of Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers and Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lover’s Companion. Welcome to Season 2 New Producer – Tracey Tracy Celtic Cat Wooden Mugs Ingrid Houwers CD NEWS: Cat Lover’s Companion + Celtic […]

Tiziano Gunn MP3

In my first cat CD, Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers, I felt like I had a song for Jasper and a song for Torre, but no real song FOR Tiziano, my other tabby cat. Lyrics came to me based on the Irish song, “Old Fenian Gun” that just seemed to cool to miss. Since […]

Pub Songs #28: Rambling at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival

Let’s take a moment to unwind with some interesting recent happenings at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. Notes: Louisiana Renaissance Festival Marrus Car accident in Louisiana “Lrrring in Nevermind” Experimentation with the autoharp Upcoming CD: fairy-inspired CD, Renaissance Festival Compilation CD Buy Me a Pint! Find out more about Marc Gunn on his website, Myspace, SoundClick, […]

The Hobbit Journey Home MP3

I recorded this instrumental tune in the winter of 2006 at my mom’s. I was practicing on my autoharp when this melody came to me. It had a fairly sad, yet uplifting feeling that reminded me of Frodo and company returning home after their semi-triumphant return from Mordor. Their lives had changed. The Ring had […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #42: Irish Music Feature on Jed Marum’s latest CD Lonestar Stout

Brought to you by Song Henge, the online archive of free and legal Celtic Music downloads. About every month, you can download a zip file featuring a CD or two of free Celtic MP3s. Great music is now at your fingertips. Limited lifetime memberships are now available, find out more at Do you download […]

Heart and Soul MP3

I don’t remember where I first heard this song. But my favorite version was in the movie BIG. But I was really surprised to find out that there were lyrics to the song. I started singing it and I sounded like Jimmy Durante. But I soon worked out an arrangement for my CD, “A Tribute […]