Pub Songs #12: Irish Rovers Playing the Patriot Game

It’s too early in the morning and I am podcasting after finishing an episode of the Renaissance Festival podcast dedicated to pirates. Songs: “Irish Rover” by Sligo Rags from The Night Before the Morning After “Patriot Game” by Brobdingnagian Bards from Songs of Ireland Notes: Pirate Music and Pirates of the Caribbean Coming back off […]

Pub Songs #11: The Night Paddy Murphy Died at the Vampire Club with Voltaire

I was in a car accident before our expected tour. I guess I’ll podcast instead. Songs: “The Night That Paddy Murphy Died” by Marc Gunn from Irish Whiskey Pub Songs “The Vampire Club” by Voltaire from Boo Hoo Notes: Matt Hughe’s Trivia Car accident and rental from Capps Rent-a-Car House Concert Tour & InConjunction Elysium […]

Pub Songs #10: Why I Love Firefly? Done the Impossible with Bards

Pub Songs #10: Why I Love Firefly? Done the Impossible with Bards

Bedlam Bards have a new album and Brobdingnagian Bards were added to a Firefly documentary soundtrack. It’s all in this week’s show. Why I love Firefly? Songs: “The Ballad of Joss” by Bedlam Bards from On the Drift “The Fall of Serenity Valley” by Brobdingnagian Bards from Done the Impossible Soundtrack “Firefly Theme Song” by […]

Pub Songs #9: Rocky Road to the Best of Austin

Talking about the Brobdingnagian Bards’ upcoming one month tour. Songs: “Rocky Road to Dublin” by Brobdingnagian Bards from Songs of Ireland “Lounging in La La Land” by Ichabod from Geography Notes: House Concerts Tour of the East Coast Best of Austin Poll 2006   Rocky Road to Dublin traditional In the merry month of May, […]

The Way to a Woman’s Heart… Cats #10

How can you win the heart of a woman, chlorine and cats, and a one-year anniversary. Cat Music & News Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers, Distribution in the U.S. and Canada One-Year Anniversary Cats in the News – Jack the Cat Chases A Bear Up Tree Cats In Geek Wedding Podcast – […]

Pub Songs #8: Seymoure Says Die Laughing with Sudden Death

It’s Father’s Day and I play some music from Seymoure and Sudden Death, aka Devo Spice. Songs: “The Pudding Song” by Seymoure from Seymoure Says “Spam” by Sudden Death from Die Laughing Notes: Things Celtic and Autoharp Lessons Weds, June 28, 2006 – Irish Sing-A-Long at Cactus Cafe with Campbell & Wilson Goth-O-Phile Friday, June […]

Pub Songs #6: Ritalin and Crappy Pirates

This week is just about the music. Here’s some fun songs. Songs: “Wild Colonial Boy” by StoneRing from Samhain “The Worst Pirate Song” by Ceann from Almost Irish “General Taylor” by Pandora Celtica from a Pandora Celtica Demo “Rhapsody in Ritalin” by Breastfed from Breasted EP Wild Colonial Boy traditional, as sung by StoneRing There […]

Pub Songs #5: Offensive Murder Ballads and Songs with Emotion

I wrote my first ever murder ballad inspired by an album Andrew and I came up with called Happy Songs of Death. Songs: “Won’t You Come With Me” by Marc Gunn “My Own Hero” by Joni Minstrel from Joni Minstrel Kicks the King Notes: Writing Murder Ballads Songs that Inspire Emotion IRA Songs Won’t You […]

Pub Songs #4: Why Traditionalists Suck in Irish Music

Someone posted a hate message for my Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. It struck a sensitive chord with me. Notes: “Old Dun Cow” by Brobdingnagian Bards from Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales Why Trad Nazis suck! Irish & Celtic Music Podcast Upcoming Show “When You’re Evil” by Voltaire from The Devil’s Bris Upcoming Shows: June 18, 2006, […]