Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #545: Slow Travel

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #545: Slow Travel

Let’s slow and enjoy a trip to Celtic Land with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Enda Seery, Friday Frolics, The Makem & Spain Brothers, Brad Reid, Old Blind Dogs, Marc Gunn, Andy Law, Kathy Barwick, Banna De Dhá, Eddie Biggins, Marys Lane, The Kilt Lifters, Ockham’s Razor, Tuatha Dea, Sligo Rags I hope you […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #544: Places So Sacred

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #544: Places So Sacred

Nowhere is more sacred than our hearts as we celebrate Celtic culture through music on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. The Carroll Sisters, One Street Over, Wolf & Clover, Poitin Band, Vintage Wildflowers, The Rogues, The Dustbunnies, Wooden Legs, Hugh Morrison, Rising Gael, Hearthfire, The Ogham Stones, Hot Griselda, Kilmaine Saints, Duncan McLauchlan I […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #543: One Day in Sligo

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #543: One Day in Sligo

All you need is one day in sligo with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. An Lár, Spencer Murray & Pipeslinger, Ed Miller, Téada, Hank Cramer, Crépuscule, Poisoned Dwarf, Plunk Murray, Seumas Gagne, Beyond The Pale, The Barley Boys, Kevin Flynn and The Avondale Ramblers, The Bloody Irish Boys, Hair Of The Dog, Fàrsan I […]

Celtfather Unkilted #289: How to Get Started With Busking with Vince Conaway

Busking is like a fine art. When I went solo at the end of 2008, I was determined to better understand it. I asked several Renaissance festival performers for help and suggestions. I interviewed Vince Conaway. I’m gonna share that interview today on Celtfather Unkilted #289. I was trying to figure out how to share […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #542: Famine or the Sword

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #542: Famine or the Sword

Dance and sing along with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Conor Caldwell, The Jig Is Up!, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Ellen Gibling, Des Wade, Slainte, Spirited Lads, Celtic Wood and Wires, Pauline Scanlon, The Fire, Gillian Boucher & Bob McNeill, Barleyjuice, Tuatha de Danann, The Pikeys, Doolin’, Brad Tuck I hope you enjoyed this week’s […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #540: Wonder

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #540: Wonder

The world is a wonder. Let’s celebrate it along with our Celtic culture through music and the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Gerry O’Connor, The Fire, Cara Dillon, Blame Not the Bard, House of Hamill, Alisa Marie, Calan, Norse Gael, Celtic Wood, Tuatha Dea, The McDades, The Canny Brothers Band, Bang On The Ear, Syr […]

Celtfather #288: Year in Review

Celtfather #288: Year in Review

Greetings Gunn Runner I love looking at my successes each year. Honestly, I was pretty excited about my musical successes last year. I felt like I had a few break through moments. So let’s make a list. It’s all on my monthly update, Celtfather Unkilted, show #288. The podcast is brought to you by my […]