In the ‘Verse #12: The Message

In the ‘Verse #12: The Message

The body of a fellow soldier is mailed to Mal and Zoe with a message. They discover a secret plan to smuggle goods that become damaged in shipping. We discuss damaged goods and the bright side of single thing on the In the ‘Verse podcast. SHOW TIMES 1:22 – Upcoming Shows 3:37 – Our Browncoat […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #454: Tartan Day

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #454: Tartan Day

Tartan Day is on April 6. We may not be able to wear our kilts in public. But we can celebrate Tartan Day with Scottish songs and kilt loving music on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.  Subscribe to 34 Celtic MP3s for Free! Stephanie Claussen, Kinnfolk, Kilmaine Saints, Kilted Kings, Highland Reign, Screeched Inn, […]

Celtfather Monthly: April 2020 – Morbid Irony in the Music Business

Greetings Gunn Runner What a crazy March! Covid19 took over the world. St Patrick’s Day disappeared, along with most musician gigs. But my Kickstarter for Selcouth was a huge success. Let’s try and unpack it… on show #260. 0:28 – PODCASTS The Pub Songs Podcast is my new favorite thing. It accomplishes many of the goals that […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #453: Respect Like a Celt

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #453: Respect Like a Celt

Give respect like a Celt today on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Subscribe for 34 Celtic MP3s for free! Lissa Schneckenburger, Stringer’s Ridge, Hanz Araki, Whalebone, Wolf Loescher, Norah Rendell, Olta, Innisfall, Jim McKenna, Ginger Ackley, Battlelegs, Barleyjuice, Xavier Boderiou, Ockham’s Razor, Eileen Ivers I hope you enjoyed this week’s show. If you did, […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #452: Post-St. Patrick’s Day, COVID-19 Blues

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #452: Post-St. Patrick’s Day, COVID-19 Blues

It’s the Post-St Patrick’s Day, COVID-19 Blues with Celtic music to brighten your day on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. willos’, Sean Leahy & Jeremy Spencer, Kyle Gryphon, The Kissers, An Lar, Emerald Accent, Highland Reign, Francis Leclerc & Marise Demers, Harmundi, Seasons, The Blarney Rebel Band, Kilmaine Saints, Brave the Sea, Caliceltic, The […]

Pub Songs Podcast #203: St Patrick’s Day Leprechaun

Pub Songs Podcast #203: St Patrick’s Day Leprechaun

Happy St Patrick’s Day! There’s a leprechaun in this week’s show. We’ll practice social distancing through podcasts. Plus, the St Patrick’s Day Internet Music Festival is sort of back with lots of live streaming video shows! Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for Celtic Geek culture. I am your Guide. My […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #451: St Patrick’s Day

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #451: St Patrick’s Day

Happy St Patrick’s Day! Two Hours of St Patrick’s Day music and a free Celtic album that you can download today on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Xavier Boderiou, Stringer’s Ridge, The Selkie Girls, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Gillian Boucher & Bob McNeill, Beyond the Field from Single, Lissa Schneckenburger, Kinnfolk, Jesse Ferguson, Vicki Swan & […]

Pub Songs Podcast #202: Sci Fi St Patrick’s Day

Pub Songs Podcast #202: Sci Fi St Patrick’s Day

We’re talking Sci F’Irish music for St Patrick’s Day on the Pub Songs Podcast. Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for Celtic Geek culture. I am your Guide. My name is Marc Gunn. Today’s show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Subscribe to the podcast at […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #450: St Patrick’s Day 17

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #450: St Patrick’s Day 17

17 Irish and Celtic songs and tunes for St Patrick’s Day on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. The Triskells, Flowers of Edinburgh, 3 Pints Gone, The Jig Is Up, ChildsPlay, The King’s Busketeers, Andy Law & Friends, Whiskey Bay Rovers, Nick Metcalf, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Alexander James Adams, Rambling Sailors, We Banjo […]

Pub Songs Podcast #201: Shamrock Pub Songs

Pub Songs Podcast #201: Shamrock Pub Songs

Leprechauns, Irish street songs, ghost stories, and a free Celtic MP3s, a free CD, and lots more today on the Pub Songs Podcast. Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for Celtic Geek culture. I am your Guide. My name is Marc Gunn. Today’s show is brought to you by my Gunn […]