Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #436: Rise Up

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #436: Rise Up

Rise up with the diversity of Celtic culture through music. Mary Jane Lamond & Wendy MacIsaac, Poor Man’s Gambit, Poor Man’s Fortune, Syncopaths, Runa, The Jig Is Up!, Syren, The Gatehouse Well, Saby O’, Sprag Session, Kyn, Brave the Sea, Hot Griselda I hope you enjoyed this week’s show. If you did, please share the […]

Pub Songs Podcast #193: A Better Way to Vote, Strange But Marvelous

Pub Songs Podcast #193: A Better Way to Vote, Strange But Marvelous

I am working on my next studio album. It’s something strange but marvelous as you’ll learn in the podcast. Sorta like this voting method I discovered and added to the Celtic Top 20 at the beginning of the year. All of this plus music today on the Pub Songs Podcast. Tullamore, The Gothard Sisters, Gillian […]

Cetic Christmas Podcast #52: O Come All Ye Faithful

Cetic Christmas Podcast #52: O Come All Ye Faithful

Spread the Christmas Cheer. Listen. Share. Subscribe. Celtic Christmas music from Farsan, The Jig Is Up!, Alexander James Adams, Peat in the Creel, Aizle & Riognach Connolly, A Shamrock in Kudzu, The Wee Heavies, Spencer & Beane, The Selkie Girls, Sarah Marie Mullen, Jil Chambless, Ed Miller, Scooter Muse, Susan Toman, Eira, Heather Dale, […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #435: Slea Head

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #435: Slea Head

Climb Slea Head cliffs with us as take in the majesty of Celtic music. Andy Law, The Tea Merchants, Westwood Bluegrass Band, Fir Arda, Ballinloch, Spoil the Dance, Dustin Cooper, Nicole White, Poor Man’s Gambit, Catherine Koehler, Hard Green, Celtic Reggae Revolution, Brave the Sea, Tartanic, Brother Sea I hope you enjoyed this week’s show. […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #434: Going Home

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #434: Going Home

We’re all going home to great Celtic music and culture. Andy Law, Dustin Cooper, Seaumas Gagne, Poisoned Dwarf, Molly’s Revenge With Moira Smiley, Songs for Ceilidhm Fir Arda, Nicole White, Marcas Mac, Ballinloch, Westwood Bluegrass Band, Rebels and Sinners, Hard Green, Marc Gunn I hope you enjoyed this week’s show. If you did, please share […]

Pub Songs Podcast #192: Cliffs of Insanity, Success Is Not a Zero-Sum Game

Pub Songs Podcast #192: Cliffs of Insanity, Success Is Not a Zero-Sum Game

Is it insane to think that success is NOT a zero-sum game? Some think that the only way they can “win” is by destroying someone else. I’m gonna share why that’s the lie told by cowards and failures and how you can win through generosity. Brobdingnagian Bards, Van Morrison, The Doubleclicks, Marc Gunn Welcome to […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #433: Celtic Music for Halloween

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #433: Celtic Music for Halloween

Happy Halloween and Samhain from the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. FinTan, Poisoned Dwarf, Dylan Walshe, A Campo Traviesa, Alexander James Adams, Ciunas, Hot Griselda, Brendan Monaghan, Moch Pryderi, Flook, The Rogues, Dervish, Cady Finlayson, Heather Dale, Haggis Rampant, Runa I hope you enjoyed this week’s show. If you did, please share the show with […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #432: What Are You Doing While Listening to Celtic Music?

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #432: What Are You Doing While Listening to Celtic Music?

I want your feedback. What are you doing while listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast? This week, I’m gonna share a bunch of feedback from the past couple o’years. Poisoned Dwarf, Seldom Sober, Songs For Ceilidh, Mitchell & Vincent, Ciunas, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Alasdair Fraser & Tony McManus, Kellswater Bridge, Captain John Stout, The […]

Pub Songs Podcast #191: The Celts Invade Venice…Again

Pub Songs Podcast #191: The Celts Invade Venice…Again

The Celts are heading back to invade Venice in 2020 as part of my annual Celtic Invasion Vacations. I will share this year’s itinerary and a few facts about the Veneti. Marc Gunn, Alexander James Adams, Vince Conaway, Ciunas, and special guest Tom Smith Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for […]

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #431: Pour Another for Your Brother

Irish and Celtic Music Podcast #431: Pour Another for Your Brother

Relax. Pour a pint for yourself. Pour another for a friend. Enjoy the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Kennedy’s Kitchen, Poisoned Dwarf, Eamon Friel, Ciunas, Catherine Koehler, Alexander James Adams, A Campo Traviesa, Brother Sea, Kellswater Bridge, Seumas Gagne, Celtic Woman, The Peglegs, Songs for Ceilidh, Hot Griselda I hope you enjoyed this week’s show. […]