Highlight Reel #3.3

Highlight Reel #3.3

HIGHLIGHT REEL 3.3 OF 2024 Greetings Celtophiles You have 4 weeks to cast your vote in this Highlight Reel. I’ll compile the rest of the results at the end of the year. You can vote for as many tracks as you like. And the more you vote, the more  your vote counts. Listen to the […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #671: Here’s to Friends!

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #671: Here’s to Friends!

Here’s to friendship on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #671 . Subscribe now! Hanneke Cassel, Old Blind Dogs, Wylde Nept, Conor Mallon, Tarren, Ironwood, Jesse Ferguson, Runa, CaliCeltic, The Town Pants, The Fire, Bealtaine, The Elders, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pscrb.fm/rss/p/traffic.libsyn.com/bellobard/IrishCelticMusic-671.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #670: Memories of Ireland

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #670: Memories of Ireland

Sing a song to the Dublin girl on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast # 670. Subscribe now! Celtic On the Inside is now on sale in our store. Support the podcast by buying one of these limited-edition CDs and Album Pins. Shop now! Dublin Gulch, Wylde Nept, Enda Reilly, The Crowfoot Rakes, The Ciderhouse […]

irish & Celtic Music Podcast #669: Czech Celtic Music with Poitin

irish & Celtic Music Podcast #669: Czech Celtic Music with Poitin

Jeremy King of the Celtic band Poitin shares Celtic music from the Czech Republic on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #669. Subscribe now! Conamara Chaos, Isara, Anarka, Tomáš Kočko & Orchestr, Irish Rose, Aneta Dortová and Emanuele De Simone, Shannon, Ankara, Poitín, Hrdza. https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pscrb.fm/rss/p/traffic.libsyn.com/bellobard/IrishCelticMusic-669.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download

Pub Songs & Stories #289: Happy Birthday from Ireland, Laughter Yoga

Pub Songs & Stories #289: Happy Birthday from Ireland, Laughter Yoga

Is there an Irish birthday song? There is now. It’s by Marc Gunn with the song “Happy Birthday From Ireland”. Cedric of the Bedlam Bards hypnotizes with wit and charm. Then he shares how laughter is the best medicine, especially with something called Laughter Yoga. This is Pub Songs & Stories #289 https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pscrb.fm/rss/p/traffic.libsyn.com/pubsong/PubSongsPodcast-289.mp3Podcast: Play in […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #668: Freedom for the Fourth

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #668: Freedom for the Fourth

Happy 4th of July. It’s Independence Day in the US. We’re celebrating freedom and independence on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #668. Subscribe now! New York Brogue, Lissa Schneckenburger, Poitín, The Homespun Ceilidh Band, Bedlam Bards, Derek Warfield, Kevin Meehan, Trochrague, High Octane, The Fenian Sons, Sorcha, Black 47, Clare Cunningham, Marc Gunn https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pscrb.fm/rss/p/traffic.libsyn.com/bellobard/IrishCelticMusic-668.mp3Podcast: […]

Pub Songs & Stories #288: Princess Bride’s Big Adventure with Ren Adventures

Pub Songs & Stories #288: Princess Bride’s Big Adventure with Ren Adventures

True love lost at sea. I share the story behind “Buttercup’s Lament” inspired by Princess Bride. You’ll learn why you should watch out for wild boar in Italy, see what happens when a juggler’s props don’t arrive, and learn about the most-beautiful place in Europe. Hear a story about biking across Italy. I interviewed jugglers […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #667: Celtic Dance Party

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #667: Celtic Dance Party

It’s a Celtic instrumental dance party on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #667. Subscribe now! The Drowsy Lads, Fig for a Kiss, Runa, Dublin Gulch, Lúnasa, Louise Bichan, Telenn Tri, The BorderCollies, Charlene Adzima, Fialla, Bealtaine, Dancing With Hobbits, The Crowfoot Rakes, High Octane, Conor Mallon https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pscrb.fm/rss/p/traffic.libsyn.com/bellobard/IrishCelticMusic-667.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download

Pub Songs & Stories #287: Middle Earth Bragging, Greatest Women Composers in History with Apryl Knight

Pub Songs & Stories #287: Middle Earth Bragging, Greatest Women Composers in History with Apryl Knight

Have you ever read Lord of the Rings and noticed that each time the hobbits meet a new race along the road, it’s the OLDEST RACE EVER?! I wrote a song about that bragging. There are a lot of famous male composers in history. Apryl Knight will introduce you to some of the incredible female […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #666: Come Hell or Highwater

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #666: Come Hell or Highwater

Come hell or highwater, we have more music on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #666. Subscribe now! Moher, Telenn Tri, The Drowsy Lads, Maggie’s Wake, Michael Darcy & The Atlantic Tramps, Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening, The Out of Kilters, Paisley Close, The Flailing Shilaleighs, Medusa’s Wake, Wooden Legs, The Walker Roaders, Ashley Davis […]