Jupiter’s Fancy : Hunting Dragons

Jupiter’s Fancy : Hunting Dragons

Day 63: Murphy is champing at the bit. The Lady Jean is finished except for the final touches to the décor. Murphy wants that ship so badly I can taste it. Murphy has taken to sitting in his cabin with a bottle of rum and a bad mood. I surprised him yesterday when I took him the latest […]

The Lookout : Hunting Dragons

The Lookout : Hunting Dragons

Day 59: Andrew and I continue to try and figure out what it is that Murphy is hiding. What device is so important that Murphy is willing to sacrifice the Lady Jean for it? I’ve been poking around his cabin when he is out, with Andrew on lookout, but we’ve found nothing out of the ordinary. So, […]

Pub Songs #143: Dragon Protection +5! #SaveTheDragons

Pub Songs #143: Dragon Protection +5! #SaveTheDragons

This month, the Pub Songs Podcast is dedicated to the dragons who deserve protection. You’ll hear some music from my new CD, Pirates vs. Dragons, plus some dragons songs from Brobdingnagian Bards, Boogie Knights, Gallamor The Bard, TheLoneGunman, Tania Opland and Mike Freeman’s collaboration with Anne McCaffrety, and Dan the Bard. Pub Talk Pirates vs. […]

The Device : Hunting Dragons

The Device : Hunting Dragons

Day 58: “Andrew” and I walked into what was left of Murphy’s cabin on the wreck of the Irish Stout. I was a little nervous. The deception Andrew’s been living under could get her in a lot of trouble if she’s found out. Pirates live by a Code—and they can be an unforgiving lot. Just look […]

Cutthroats : Hunting Dragons

Cutthroats : Hunting Dragons

Pirates vs. Dragons comes out on July 27th. You can save 40% off the cover price when you buy the album on that day. And right now, the Kindle version of this book is available FOR FREE on Amazon. Go download your copy and learn about the backstory behind the music. Buy Pirates vs. Dragons! […]

Pub Songs #142: Pirate Pub Songs, Arrr!

Pub Songs #142: Pirate Pub Songs, Arrr!

There are just two days left until the big CD release of Pirates vs. Dragons on July 27. You’ll be able to buy the album at 40% off its regular price. You can find details atsavedragons.com/buy. In the meantime, I have a lot of pirate music on my computer. I thought I might share some […]

He Is A She : Hunting Dragons

He Is A She : Hunting Dragons

Pirates vs. Dragons will be released on July 27th. Subscribe to the mailing list to be notified of its release and to get some fun freebies at www.savedragons.com Day 50: We’ve been here almost two weeks as Murphy “negotiates” for the Lady Jean. I’m surprised he hasn’t just climbed aboard and stolen her, but I guess […]

Celtfather: Origins of The Celtfather Name, Cornwall Daily, Pirates vs. Dragons Thanks

Last month, I recorded an episode of the Pub Songs Podcast where I talked about the Origins of The Celtfather Name. Les Howard responded with an audio clip sharing the exact episode of the The Signal Podcast where that name was born. You can listen and hear a Firefly song in that show. Here’s some […]

The Lady Jean : Hunting Dragons

The Lady Jean : Hunting Dragons

I finally ordered physical CDs for Pirates vs. Dragons. Right now, I am tentatively planning an official CD release of the album in July 2016. The exact date is TBA. In the meantime, you can now enjoy the full Steampunk adventure journal from my captivity. The Pirates vs. Dragons eBook is now available on Kindle. In […]

Pub Songs #61: Science Fiction Convention Music

Pub Songs #61: Science Fiction Convention Music

I just got back from a killer show at InConJunction. So this week’s show starts off talking about the exciting time I had in Indianapolis. There I got to see Tom Smith, the World’s Fastest Filker, perform. That got me thinking that I need to do a special feature on the music of Science Fiction […]