Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #222: Burly Bagpipe Music, 2-Hours!

You asked for more bagpipe music. Thanks to the generosity of the Patrons of the Podcast, we hit another amazing Milestone. That means you get to enjoy another 2-hour bagpipe music special (see show #181 for more bagpipe music). You’ll enjoy some BagRock and other bagpipe music from Becky Taylor, Breabach, Prydein, Albannach, The Ne’er Duwels, […]

Dragon Con 2015 Performances, Rachel Hair Trio, New Website / CF#41

Dragon Con 2015 Performances, Rachel Hair Trio, New Website / CF#41

I’m getting ready to head off on a family vacation. But I have a lot of news that needs to be shared before I head out. We are two weeks away from the largest science fiction convention in the world–Dragon Con. I’m performing all weekend with Brobdingnagian Bards. However, I have a few extra shows […]

#221: The White Hare

We’re gonna chase the White Hare of Celtic music in this week’s episode featuring amazing Celtic songs and tunes by Emerald Rose, Bow Triplets, Karan Casey, Claire Roche, The Secret Commonwealth, Heather Dale, Cady Finlayson and Vita Tanga, Jig to a Milestone, Fiddleheads, Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings, Emerald Dawn, Murder the Stout, Mairi Morrison & Alasdair Roberts, […]

The ONE Thing & Spotlight on Sligo Rags / CF#40

The ONE Thing & Spotlight on Sligo Rags / CF#40

What is the ONE thing that will make you successful? That’s what the latest audiobook I’m enjoying, called “The One Thing”, is all about.It has me thinking how I can best use my time right now. I’m taking care of a baby and home and trying to do work at the same time. It’s not easy. […]

GenCon 2015 Games for 4 – 5 year olds / CF # 39

GenCon 2015 Games for 4 – 5 year olds / CF # 39

GenCon is the world’s largest gaming convention. You would think with such a big convention, that it would be easy to find any game you wanted. But last year when I went to find a game for my 3-year-old daughter, I couldn’t. So in 2015, I decided to make an even more thorough search of […]

GenCon 2015 & Celtic Geek Music

GenCon was a blast this year! The Firefly Drinking Songs show was packed, the Cat Lover’s Show was pretty good but needs some more work, and the SciFi Drinking Songs Show is going to be changing into the Celtic Geek Drinking Songs! The title is in flux, but that’s the plan. Busking went really well (one […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #218: Voicemail from Best Celtic Music Retrospective

Last Thursday, I shared a ten-year retrospective of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, featuring 3 hours of great Celtic music by some of the best indie bands online. It was three hours long because fans of the show got behind it through my Celtic Music Challenge. You made pledges to the podcast on Patreon, […]

Comedy Music at GenCon, Atlanta Celtic Music

This week on the Celtfather, in preparation for GenCon, we’re looking at several Comedy Musicians in our Music Spotlight – check them out below! Jonnie MacCracken’s Concerts continue to be fun, but we’re looking to grow our audience to keep me coming back – there have been several fans that have stepped up and are […]

Celtic Music Challenge, Mason Brown Spotlight

This week has emphasized the “Father” aspect of being the Celtfather! Among the many things going on in life, a lot of shows are coming up – pretty much one every weekend between now and DragonCon. GenCon is also ready to go, with the Firefly Concert being sold out, and the Cat Songs Concert only […]