Airship Down for Repairs : Hunting Dragons

Airship Down for Repairs : Hunting Dragons

It seems I forgot to post this show in time for the end of the Kickstarter. But that’s okay. The album will still go on sale later this year. If you want to find out when the album will be released, please subscribe to my mailing list. This episode, you find out about our downtime […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #206: Galicia

My friend Evo Terra is currently traveling in Galicia and sharing his time there through The Opportunistic Travelers Podcast. What a great opportunity to explore Galician music. Enjoy some awesome Irish Celtic music from Spain featuring Iona, Clandestine, Heather Dale, Mithril, Na-mara, The Barra MacNeils, Faitissa, Cluan, Lume de Biqueira, Lochlainn, Friday’s Frolics. Find out more at […]

The Business Pivot

Between a busy spring schedule and the Baby Watch for Ms.Inara, schedules are getting a little hectic. When time is crunched, deciding what tasks to prioritize and what projects to execute becomes a more immediate question – with all of this in mind, I’d love feedback on what you think about my proposed future podcast […]

Should Bookstores go the way of the Dodo?

While on the road, I was listening to the Sell More Books Show Podcast, and the question was raised as to whether or not traditional publishing and bookstores are going to go the way of Blockbuster and most video stores. While responding to the show, I began thinking that pivoting my podcasts to respond to […]

Dragons vs. Pirates Countdown, Starfest Rocks!

It was an excellent weekend at Starfest in Denver, CO – five shows with great energy and great crowds. Marc got together with Jessica Brawner to talk about marketing, reigniting the idea of a Brainstorming / Masterminds group online for this type of thing. Also, Dragons vs. Pirates reached the first stretch goal, so stay […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #204: 3-Hours of Instrumental Celtic Music

At the beginning of this month, we hit that giant milestone of fans donating $200 per episode. A HUGE thanks to the 76 patrons who made that happen. You are awesome. Now everyone who loves Celtic music can enjoy 3-hours of instrumental Irish and Celtic music by Brian Thomas, Fiddlinda: Linda Relph, Sarah Marie Mullen, Paddy […]

What advice would you give to older people trying to start in music?

As with all art, passion and extremism can help make your music successful – it’s simply finding your niche. Know your strengths, keep practicing, and don’t be afraid of trial and error! Finally, just do it! Don’t wait – create content, get it out there, and build your community. We won’t all immediately be great, […]

Crimson Fire : Hunting Dragons

We saw our first dragon on day 18–a red dragon. It was terrifying, but boy did it do some damage. I’m surprised I survived to tell the tale. If you’re not yet subscribed to the Dragons vs. Pirates podcast, subscribe on iTunes and post a review. Then go make a pledge to sponsor the album […]

Top 5 Podcasts I Love for March 2015

I fell in love with podcasting early, early on. Podcasts provide me with an endless amount of joy AND education as well. Many of the shows I listen to are about how to market your… [Fill in the Blank], because all marketing podcasts are useful to the entrepreneur. This week, I share my Top 5 […]


Scheduling is confirmed at Johnny MacCracken’s once a month from now until October in the Non-Smoking section. Funding on Kickstarter and Patreon have reached milestones, so Silver Patrons need to keep their eyes open, and everyone needs to be excited that the first song for Dragons vs. Pirates has been recorded! Wrapping up with reflections […]