Pub Songs #129: Preview of How America Saved Irish Music

The American impact on Irish music and my new CD is the theme of the first episode of the Pub Songs Podcast in 2014. I’m holding a fundraiser to help pay for the album before it is released. In this show I sing three songs found on the album with my Americanized twist on Irish […]

Pub Songs #128: Christmas Pub Songs

For the final Pub Songs Podcast of the year, I wanted to bring you some more Christmas music. This is not as much Celtic Christmas music as just some good Christmas standards. Well, except for the new Hobbit Christmas song. Is that the first ever? Boh!? Anyway, I want to wish you all a very […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #149: Celtic Christmas Miracle

Irish Celtic music from Mithril, Heather Dale, John McGaha, George Papavgeris, Tom Morley, Jed Marum, The Elders, Marc Gunn, The Gleasons, Rathkeltair, Pandora Celtica, Iona, Boston Blackthorne, Brobdingnagian Bards, The Malarkeys, Brigands’ Folie, The Gothard Sisters. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and […]

Pub Songs #127: A Semi-Celtic Christmas

I love Celtic Christmas music about as much as I love classic Christmas music. The holidays are upon us. I’m in the Christmas spirit. I also need to start practicing for this year’s Christmas show here in Birmingham when I perform at The Summit Christmas Market in about a week and a half. I have a […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #148: West Coast Celtic Music

West Coast Irish Celtic music from Stout Pounders, The Young Dubliners, Derek Warfield & The Young Wolfe Tones, Hank Cramer, The Gothard Sisters, BOWI Band, New Shilling, Erin McNamee, Tillers Folly, Ockham’s Razor, Sons of Malarkey, Lexington Field, The Bog Hoppers, Three Mile Stone. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. […]

Pub Songs #126: Vote Celtic Music in the Podcast Awards

Welcome to another edition of the Pub Songs Podcast. This week, I am PACKED full of news. I’ve had a busy month, thus the delay in posting a show. But I’m back with more Celtic geeky goodness. First and foremost is the exciting news that the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was nominated in the […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #147: Celtic Halloween

Irish Celtic music from Bow Triplets, Loudwhisper, Nancy Daily-Green, Maggie Sansone, Marc Gunn, Anne Roos, The Secret Commonwealth, James Olin Oden, Merry Wives of Windsor, Gan Fidel, Hair of the Dog, Green Man, The BibleCode Sundays, FiddleSticks. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your […]

Pub Songs #125: Changing the Way You Hear Celtic Music News

I’m very pleased to bring you an extra interesting show today. I have some big news for the week, but to some degree it feels like repetition of news I’ve already shared. Yes, it is a progress report, and I made a lot of progress, but I need something different. So this week, I decided […]

Pub Songs #124: Celtic Christmas and Gunn Runner Community

It was another busy week. I’m still at work on two CDs: Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion and A Celtic Christmas. Both are nearing completion. I have one more song to finish mixing for the Scottish CD and I’m getting ready to send the Christmas album to the printers. It was fully funded on Kickstarter […]

Pub Songs #123: Sea Shanties and Monday Morning Update

In an effort to keep the Pub Songs Podcast on its weekly schedule, I decided to release a show today. This one has no corresponding video, sadly. I’m kinda swamped with mixing and mastering CDs. So I decided to do the quickest show possible to stay on schedule and still do everything else I need […]