Celtfather #268: Dragon Con, News from the Studio

Greetings Gunn Runner

Dragon Con approaches. New coffee dates. Brobdingnagian Bards concerts. And lots of news from the studio. It's all today on Celtfather Monthly.

Let’s talk about it… on show #268.


This was a good month for podcasts. I'm still ahead on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Four solid episodes for August. I even have next two recorded and ready for editing. And I'm getting a few new band submissions to the show.

I released two episodes Pub Songs Podcast in August. They were fairly easy to produce too. One is on Irish Rebel Songs and the other touches on Dragon Con and my newest Hobbit single. If you have any show ideas, I would love to hear them.

I recorded another Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast with Andrew McKee. We've been a bit lax about recording those. We wanted to get out an episode before Dragon Con. Though we were also recording video concert for Dragon Con. We had a very productive day.

2:04 – VIDEOS

The video situation is still kind of on hold right now. I have a lot of things on my plate. So it's just on the back burner. And I must say, it feels good to focus on music creation. More about that in a moment.

I did look a couple past video concerts to see if I could find any singles I wanted to release. But I had no luck there.

My Coffee show is coming back. I am planning to relaunch the show on Thursdays, starting September 10 at noon. It looks like everything I do ends up on Thursday. For better or worse, that seems like the best day for me. So I'll see what I can do to stick to that new date and time.

I am debating rebranding the show title. Maybe something like Coffee with Celts or Coffee n Celts… or maybe even using Sci F'Irish music… I don't know. All I know is I never drink coffee during the show. It was always a bad time. So we shall see…

I am actually recording video concerts though. That's because Dragon Con is Labor Day weekend. I plan to have some pre-recorded shows for that. I might do a live stream too. But we shall see. There will be some Brobdingnagian Bards live streams. But I'm working out details right now.

I'm still brainstorming a Musical TV Show idea. It's sort of like the Firefly Drinking Songs show from Gen Con and will also be at Dragon Con. But I can't come up with a concept I love. And that makes sense. Hopefully, I'll figure something out.

Oh! And Andrew McKee was finally able to setup our computers to stream live. And it's sounding pretty amazing so far. Hopefully, he and I can have some live concerts together in the future. But we have several planned for Dragon Con.


I feel like I am creating a lot of new music. It feels good to closes some loops on new and old music.

I have six songs currently in the works for my next CD Selcouth. I'm waiting on instrumentation for three others. And I have one that still needs a final mix. All in all, I'm proud how the CD is progressing. I still hope to release it to my Kickstarter supporters by October or November.

I'm also excited about my release schedule. I have a bunch of new releases coming soon.

Last week, I released “Hobbit Hornpipe”. That's the first single from the album Dancing With Hobbits with Sam Gillogly. We hope to release a hobbit dance CD next year. We're gonna try and release a new single every month.

I am proudly re-releasing St Patrick's Day. Formerly known as Not Every Day Is St Patrick's Day, I pulled the album from the net in August because the album has not done nearly as well as I hoped. There are many reasons for this. But the album will be back in time for Halfway to St Patrick's Day. I added three new songs to the album. And there's one new recording of a previous song. And a couple remixes.

You can get the album now on Bandcamp. But it will be streaming everywhere come September 7th. The physical CD is pending… I have to make a decision how to release that.

On September 22nd, my next single with Sam Gillogly comes out. It's called “Brandywine River Reel”. And it's a fun one! Another good hobbit dance tune.

October 7th is the official release of “Together”. This is the Celtic rock song I recorded a couple months back. There's a big KrabbeConnect convention happening on the weekend of October 10th. So the song will be available just in time for the big event!

7:30 – MERCH

Every Friday since the pandemic started, Bandcamp has waived all of their profits for items purchased in the store. If you're looking for a time to support my music… well, anytime is good.

But if you want to maximize my income, buy any time on Friday, September 4 at magerecords.com.


I opened the 2021 Celtic Invasion of Scotland to past invaders. As expected, I am flooded with no responses. I guess some could be mailing application forms. But again, this is what I expect.

I realize many of the challenges of hosting a trip in Scotland while we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Should we wear masks? Will the country let us in? Will there be a vaccine? Will the U.K. require a quarantine period?

It's bizarre. But yes. Masks will probably be necessary. It's totally dependent on entry into the country. And if a vaccine is available, I will might require invaders to be vaccinated. As for the quarantine period, who knows…

Nevertheless, we are booked for June 5-12, 2021. And if my family and I can go stay at the castle in Helensburgh, Scotland, we will. I do hope I have others joining us though.


Not much is new for the Irish Song Lyrics website. Slipped out of my priorities. I still need to do the lyrics for the latest Pub Songs Podcast episodes.


THURS: Coffee with The Celtfather, YouTube (Season 6) @ 12:00 PM EST

SEP 2: Brobdingnagian Bards Concert with Dragon Con Filk Music Track @ 8:00-9:00 PM ET

SEP 4: Brobdingnagian Bards Concert with Dragon Con Filk Music Track @ 4:00-5:00 PM ET
SEP 4: Dragon Con TV presents Firefly Drinking Songs w/Marc Gunn @ 10:00-11:00 PM ET

SEP 5: Marc Gunn Concert with Dragon Con Filk Music Track @ 2:30-3:30 PM ET
SEP 5: Andrew McKee Concert with Dragon Con Filk Music Track @ 4:00-5:00 PM ET

SEP 6: Songs Lyrics I Wish I Rewrote But Didn't [Panel] w/Marc Gunn @ 1:00-2:00 PM ET
SEP 6: Writing Music w/Andrew McKee [Panel] @ 2:30-3:30 PM ET
SEP 6: Hobbit Drinking Songs with Brobdingnagian Bards for Dragon Con High Fantasy Track @ 8:30-9:30 PM ET

SEP 7: Promoting Your Music With Podcasting [Panel] w/Marc Gunn @ 1:00-2:00 PM ET
SEP 7: Pub Songs Podcast Live with Dragon Con Digital Media Track @ 2:00-3:00 PM ET

SEP 17: Halfway to St Patrick's Day at Tucker Brewing Company in Tucker GA @ 6:30 – 9:30 PM EDT

14:74 – STATS

Mailing list subscribers = 1171 is up from 1158
Celtic Music Magazine = 4003 is the same as last month

YouTube Subscribers = 4738 is up 63 from 4675
Facebook Likes = 3755 is up from 3754
Instagram = 1838 is up from 1832
Spotify followers: 1608 is up 29 from 1579
# Number of listens on Spotify: 2280 is up from 2090

Spotify Latest Single Stats: “Hobbit Hornpipe”: 18

Most-popular songs on Spotify: The Widow and the Devil (1.4K), Doctor of Gallifrey (501), Hero of Canton (366), A-Working in the Garden (292), Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers (241)

Most-popular songs on Amazon Music: Doctor of Gallifrey (233), Hero of Canton (186), The Widow and the Devil (167), Scots Wha Hae (56), I'm A Rover, Seldom Sober (42)

18:38 – PATREON

Patreon Subscribers: 159 is up from 158
Patreon Monthly Income: $1178 is down from $1191

Thanks as always for supporting my music. Streaming music gives you a quick and easy way to sample all of my music. Digital sales keep my business running. Tips and CD sales allow me to tour. Kickstarter funds physical products like CDs, shirts and other merch. And Patreon funds my songwriting!

Join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon to support my songwriting. You will step behind-the-scenes with new music, bonus podcasts, videos, and live concerts.

Thank you for supporting Sci F'Irish music at Celtfather.com!
