Celtfather Monthly #264: There Is No Secret…

Greetings Gunn Runner

And the secret is… There is no secret with a mind like mine.

It's show #264 of The Celtfather.

I was kicking myself recently that I was having so much trouble creating my shownotes for the Pub Songs Podcast. There are too many working parts for my brain. There's the pub chat, the live streaming, the story in the middle, all the news.

Then it struck me. Never in the history of that podcast have I stuck to a consistent format. That's not what that show is all about. Every episode can be different. And that's okay.

That's the same for my life. Every day is different. Yes. Some are more alike than others. But mostly, my days vary.

This podcast has a more solid format. So let's start talking about how things went and where things are goin.


In June, I featured an interview I did with Mazz O'Flaherty. That interview is in THIS podcast. I will cross-post some of the interviews I do to this podcast. If they seem relevant. It's more promotion for the people I interview. So mo the bettah.

I was on target with two episodes of the Pub Songs Podcast. The first had an interview with Gerry O'Beirne. He's an Irish singer/songwriter who performed on last year's Celtic Invasion of Dingle. I played Famous Irish Songs in between those previously mentioned moving parts. In the second episode, I talk about the castle I booked for the Celtic Invasion of Scotland in 2021.

Do you listen to Stories from the Road? Just curious. I stayed on top of it. And I even felt like they were pretty interesting thoughts, including “Performing in the time of Covid-19” and the “Litmus Test for a Coffee Pre-Show”.

I'm about a week ahead with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. The Pride Show did very well. As has the podcast this month. The show is back up to over 11k downloads in about a week's time. It had sunk to about 8000 earlier this year.

I don't have any special episodes currently planned. That's allowing me to get ahead. But I do have ideas. I also feel like I need to reach out to more bands. There's not a lot of new music coming. I'm not sure that is normal for this time of year. Admittedly, I never care because I'm usually overseas.

Mikey and I recorded a new In the ‘Verse podcast. It still needs editing. But the song for the final episode of Firefly, “My Beating Heart”, was released to the Gunn Runners Club too.

4:22 – VIDEOS

June was NOT the month of videos. In fact, this was another situation where I thought, it's okay if I'm inconsistent with video production.

I did a benefit concert for Andrew McKee's Life's a Faire podcast and video series. We raised a few hundred dollars. I released a video of “Tough Times”. Its done remarkably well as my video singles are concerned. There's a short Fairy Walk video I made for Inara's birthday. It took a month to get it out. But it was fun.

And finally, I uploaded a Coffee with the Celtfather episode where I celebrated the songs of Rie Sheridan Rose. That turned out pretty dang good as a performance. That won't be a regular thing. But I thought it'd be nice to promote the songs that I wrote with Rie. So I'm going all out. In fact, the next Pub Songs Podcast is largely that show.


I didn't have much time in the studio this month. Though I did re-record the vocals for “Bright Side of Everything”. The first version was weak.

I also recorded a new song for a friend. It's called “Together (Krabbe Connect)”. Krabbe is a lysosomal storage disease, I think. I'm not super certain. The lyrics were written by my friend who works in the field and requested a song. It was fun to produce. It even includes hard-hitting drums that I recorded with my drum machine.

I also started talking with Samantha Gillogly again about a hobbit dance CD I want to release with her. We started it a few years back. But nothing has come of it yet. But stay tuned. We might start releasing singles.

8:03 – MERCH

I had my first physical show since the pandemic struck. I got to test some of my ideas for selling CDs in the new environment. My plan was to use a QR code and Bandcamp site to make it easy for you to figure out what CD you want to buy at the show.

So far… not so successful. But I have other ideas coming. I'll let you know how that goes.

8:31 – TRAVEL

The 2021 Celtic Invasion of Scotland will have us staying in a castle 20 minutes from Loch Lomond.

That's the only detail I know about next year's invasion. But it's a first step for the trip. The size of the castle means we might have a larger than normal group. I also know my family will stay at the castle as well. But they won't be a part of the regular touring.


Here are some of the new Irish & Celtic Song Lyrics that were updated this month: Tough TimesA Well-Dressed HobbitMy Father Was a WerewolfGreen Grow the Rashes

I also updated some videos and information on these songs:  Reavers’ LullabyWhy Do You Torture MeMingulay Boat SongShe’s ShinyZombie Love SongGollum BluesHarry Potter and the Rising of the MoonPurple FlowerSoul of a HarperThorin’s EulogyElves


JUL 16: Celtfather Live on YouTube @ 7:30 PM EDT
JUL 18: The Lost Druid in Decatur, GA @ 7:00 – 9:00 PM
JUL 24: Interstellar Ginger Beer & Exploration Co in Alabaster, AL @ 7 – 9:30 PM CDT
JUL 25: Pepper Place Farmer's Market in Birmingham, AL @ 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
JUL 29 – AUG 2: Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN

WEDS: Coffee with The Celtfather on Facebook (Season 6) @ 11:00 AM EST

10:38 – STATS

Mailing list subscribers = 1130 is up from 1088
Celtic Music Magazine = 4007 is up from 3999

YouTube Subscribers = 4649 is up 42 from 4607
Facebook Likes = 3735 is up 20 from 3715
Instagram = 1825 followers
Spotify followers: 1548 is up from 1530
# Number of listens on Spotify: 2003 is down from 2109

Spotify Latest Single Stats: “Molly Malone”: 21 is down from 23
Spotify Latest Single Stats: “The Last Jedi Drinking Song”: 64 is down from 94
Spotify Latest Album Stats: I Will Not Sing Along: 293 is down from 302 streams

Most-popular songs on Spotify: The Widow and the Devil (1.3K), Doctor of Gallifrey (422), Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers (215), A-Working in the Garden (173), Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (168), Hero of Canton (160)

12:21 – PATREON

Patreon Subscribers: 160 is up from 159
Patreon Monthly Income: $1175 is down from $1208

Thanks as always for supporting my music. Streaming music gives you a quick and easy way to sample all of my music. Digital sales keep my business running. Tips and CD sales allow me to tour. Kickstarter funds physical products like CDs, shirts and other merch. And Patreon funds my songwriting!

Join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon to support my songwriting. You will step behind-the-scenes with new music, bonus podcasts, videos, and live concerts. Thank you for supporting Sci F'Iirsh music.
