Celtfather Monthly #267: Together

Greetings Gunn Runner

Two new singles are coming out. Selcouth progress report. Something new and different for my live streaming concerts. New songs written. And would you like to stay with me in a castle in Scotland?

Another month down. Another to begin.

Let’s talk about it… on show #267.


The toughest thing about making podcasts is coming up with a concept. What is the show about?

For the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, it's easy. I don't usually do themes. Because they are hard to create. Even the Celtic Running Music show I ran this week. It had to pick out a good running rhythms and tap out the tempos to make sure the show picked up speed as you ran. It's much easier to just create a show and then name it after a song or an organic theme.

I can't create that podcast and stress about a theme if I want to put it out every week.

That's the problem I'm having with the Pub Songs Podcast. Some days I come up with a theme. Others, I have no idea. Then the show keeps getting pushed back.

That's what happened with the Gen Con show. It was a couple days late before I was struck with the thought, DUH! I can just call it the Gen Con show and promote those shows. That makes the second show of August a little easier. I can make that the Dragon Con show. I still don't know what to do for the first episode. So if you have a theme idea, let me know.

The other episode I did in July was a replay of Coffee with The Celtfather where I highlighted the songs of Rie Sheridan Rose. It's amazing that we've been writing songs together for probably 18 years. It's just mind-blowing. I'm so fortunate to have her helping me create music. My only sadness is that I hadn't done that episode sooner.

That theme issue put Stories from the Road on the back burner this month too. I just didn't think to publish it. And here we are at the end of the month.

Mikey and I published the final Firefly episode of the In the ‘Verse podcast. This was for Objects in Space. I'll be honest. I was surprised in this months Celtfather Live that I got a song request for that song. I kinda felt it was a throw away. But guess we shall see.

2:51 – VIDEOS

I published two video singles this month: “The Mermaid” and “Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits”. They were both from Andrew McKee's Life's a Faire webcast in June.

“The Mermaid” has done pretty well with 186 views as I type. I was surprised that “Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits” didn't do better. But I guess that's the random nature of the beast. Some songs get caught up in the algorithm and do well. Others don't.

The best thing about that Life's A Faire broadcast is I learned how to create video singles FROM video concerts that are posted on YouTube. This means if I get a good recording of a song or two during Coffee or Celtfather Live, I can always repost it as a video single. Boo-yah!

One of the big projects in July was recording a Firefly Drinking Songs concert for Gen Con and Dragon Con. This was super cool because it was scripted show. I learned how hard it would be to create a TV series. Oy! That's because I recorded each section live. I scripted what I would say. And I tried to tell a story.

The story is basically that I hijack the Cortex in order to broadcast a Bob Hope style concert for the Browncoat troops fighting during the Unification War in Firefly. It ends in disaster. It was fun to create. But it also took much of the day. And I'm still uncertain if the video quality is not as good as it should've been.

You can get tickets to watch the Firefly Drinking Songs show at Gen Con. I'll tell you more about it later.

As for the Dragon Con version, there are a couple parts that are different. And I'm hoping it'll broadcast on Dragon Con TV.

Oh! And Mikey Mason is a guest as usual during both shows.

My live streaming video concerts ran into some problems this month. Some are still not resolved as I type. Our internet router is on the complete opposite side of where my office is. So when my internet extender died right before the Celtfather Live concert this month, I've been living with crappy infrequent internet access. It's very frustrating. Coffee with the Celtfather is a challenge because of that.

That said, I have a 150′ chord to plug directly into the router for a special project with Andrew and a new extender is on its way. Here's hoping I can do something in time for my live streaming shows at Gen Con next week.


Moments before typing this I finished recording “Together”, the Krabbe Connect song I mentioned last month. I got the final tracks from Daniel Briggs. He recorded bass, mandolin and octave mandolin for the song to give it a more Celtic feel.

It's hilarious. As I was finishing the mix, I realized I COULD share it on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast because I added this mando reel to the intro to turn this sort of pop song into a Folk Pop song. LOL.

I love it. It has a great sound. And again, as I was listening, I realized the song could actually go beyond the Krabbe Connect world. So that's an extra WIN in my book.

That is not the only song I'm getting ready to release. Sam Gillogly and I confirmed that we are going to release an album called Dancing With Hobbits. This is an idea that came from the last ALEP. That's the hobbit gathering in Kentucky that I talk about a lot. We talked about recording an instrumental album of original dance music for hobbits.

We recorded a track several years ago after the last ALEP, I think. That's when we started talking about this idea. But a week ago, Sam and I finally confirmed that we would make an album together. But we're gonna do it by releasing singles. The goal is to put out one a month until we release the album late next year in time for the next ALEP which is currently delayed until 2021.

I am excited about this for several reasons. One of the big ones is that I LOVE traditional style Celtic music. The tunes. But because I play the autoharp, I don't really record many. Yeah. I CAN. But I don't. It just doesn't sound right. But get me a fiddle player…

So hopefully, I'll have lots of new tunes to share via the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast in the months to come. Now i just have to figure out what tune comes first. And to stay on that schedule.

The first one is called “Hobbit Hornpipe”. I'm trying to get permission to share it with Patrons. But I'll let you know if that's possible.

I made progress on Selcouth too. My parts for “Breathing” are laid. I think I need to re-record one more vocal for “Bright Side of Everything”. But it's close to being done. I also laid down a track for “Kilty Pleasure”, “Favor of Dance”, and “Tough Times”. That's pretty good progress. Though I'm already worrying about hitting my October/November deadline for Kickstarter supporters.

Finally, I wrote and recorded another new song called “Back in the Ocean”. It's a story about a male selkie who goes to land, has some fun, and decides life on land ain't all it's cracked up to be. He's much happier back in the ocean.

13:15 – MERCH

I have not touched my Bandcamp store in quite a while. Not since I posted those new Celtic Heartstring necklaces a couple months ago. No doubt this is one reason I'm not selling great over there. But I'm happy just be creating right now.

So if you haven't been, check it out. Buy something.

13:36 – TRAVEL

I'm jonesing to travel. I love traveling. So I've been back on YouTube watching videos of Scotland and other places in Europe. I can't wait.

I am researching the 2021 Celtic Invasion of Scotland. In fact, I booked a castle in Helensburgh, Scotland. The dates for the invasion are June 5-12.

Obviously, that's assuming we are able to get out of the country to go there. But I can't hang on that. So I'm gonna plan right now.

14:51 – WEBSITES

Not much is new for the Irish Song Lyrics website. Slipped out of my priorities. I still need to do the lyrics for the latest Pub Songs Podcast episodes.


I don't know if I have said this before. But booking for the forseeable future will be tentative. I had two physical shows in July in Birmingham. Both were canceled. I'm booked at Pepper Place Farmer's Market in Birmingham in mid-August. I'm assuming that will be canceled too.

So if there's a date on my schedule. Check in with me or the venue a few days before to see if it's happening.

JUL 30: Comedy Music Cabaret at Gen Con ONLINE at 6:00 – 7:00 PM EDT
JUL 30: Sci F'Irish Drinking Songs at Gen Con ONLINE at 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT
JUL 31: Firefly Drinking Songs at Gen Con ONLINE at 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT

AUG 1: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers at Gen Con ONLINE at 6:00 – 7:00 PM EDT
AUG 1: Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion at Gen Con ONLINE at 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT
AUG 15: Pepper Place Farmer's Market in Birmingham, AL @ 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

SEP 2-6: Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA (pending)

Weds Morning: Coffee with The Celtfather, Facebook (Season 5!) @ 11:00 AM EST


Mailing list subscribers = 1158 is up from 1130
Celtic Music Magazine = 4003 is down from 4007

YouTube Subscribers = 4675 is up 26 from 4649
Facebook Likes = 3754 is up 19 from 3735
Instagram = 1832 is up from 1825 followers
Spotify followers: 1579 is up 35 from 1548
# Number of listens on Spotify: 2090 is up from 2003

Spotify Latest Single Stats: “Molly Malone”: 12 is down from 21
Spotify Latest Single Stats: “The Last Jedi Drinking Song”: 43 is down from 64
Spotify Latest Album Stats: I Will Not Sing Along: 217 is down from 293

Most-popular songs on Spotify: The Widow and the Devil (1.4K), Doctor of Gallifrey (419), A-Working in the Garden (229), Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers (195), Hero of Canton (180), Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (164)

Most-popular songs on Amazon Music: Doctor of Gallifrey (218), Hero of Canton (151), The Widow and the Devil (89), I'm A Rover, Seldom Sober (40), Come Ye By Atholl (37)


Patreon Subscribers: 158 is down from 160
Patreon Monthly Income: $1191 is up from $1175

Thanks as always for supporting my music. Streaming music gives you a quick and easy way to sample all of my music. Digital sales keep my business running. Tips and CD sales allow me to tour. Kickstarter funds physical products like CDs, shirts and other merch. And Patreon funds my songwriting!

Join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon to support my songwriting. You will step behind-the-scenes with new music, bonus podcasts, videos, and live concerts. Thank you for supporting Sci F'Iirsh music.

