Celtic Christmas CDs for the Holidays

Christmas is almost here. Heck! I don't know if you can get these in time, but I do know CD Baby is amazing at shipping, and well, everything they do. So here's a few last-minute Celtic Christmas CDs and other Celtic CDs for the holidays that I'm sure people will love.

Celtic Christmas Music CDs

Brobdingnagian Bards - Christmas in Brobdingnag Loreena McKennitt - Drive the Cold Winter Away Bonnie Rideout - Scottish Christmas Heather Dale - This Endris Night

See more Celtic Christmas Music CDs.

New Celtic Music CDs

Victims of Irish Music Marc Gunn - A Tribute to LoveMarc Gunn - Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lover's CompanionMarc Gunn - Three Movie and TV Songs for Geeks Like Me Brobdingnagian Bards - LIVE: Nex Monoceroti, Per Risibus Captain Black Jack Murphy - Pogue Mahone Means Kiss My Arse

Search for Tons of Great Celtic Music CDs.