Coffee Postponed A Week / Kickstarter Now Going

Good morning! How's it going?

I'm doing pretty well. My cough is getting better though Gwen and Inara both seem to have a bug. I'm hoping it's the same one I HAD and not one they picked from one of Inara's friends. Ugh. That'd suck.

The kids are home again today. It's voting day. But it turns out, it's also the day that my brother, nephew and his family arrive for their first time to see us. I'm not entirely sure how long they are staying. But what I do know is that I will be attempting to entertain them much of the week. For that reason, I decided to postpone Coffee with The Celtfather until next week.

In the meantime, I'll try to get all my podcasts up and running.

The Kickstarter for Dancing With Hobbits is now live!

Thanks to everyone who has already supported the project. We're already over halfway to our goal. Thank you!

This is a very personal project for me. Most of my music is vocal-based. This album is all instrumental. It's also all original. My autoharp parts were all inspired by my thoughts of hobbits dancing under the Party Tree at Bilbo's birthday party. And to top it off, I was aiming to have an album inspired by traditional Irish music. That's what this album is.

Yeah. I still play an autoharp. So it may not sound totally trad. But each track was co-written by Sam and myself. There are hornpipes and polkas, waltzes and jigs. It's gonna be a fun album.

If I can make the time, I'm gonna try and record a Pub Songs & Stories to talk a little bit more about the album. But maybe I should just simplify and record something on my phone. We'll see.

Right now, I just have to get ready for family visiting.

Thank you for your patience.

My next Bandcamp Internet Concert is on Thursday, Nov 16. I'll launch the tickets page next week. As always, Patrons save 50% on the $20 with a coupon code. I'll send that out on Monday.

Finally, if you haven't voted, please go vote!

It is extremely important to our Democracy. We have one person lying and manipulating people saying our elections are a fraud. That is a lie. One of many by this liar. Don't believe him. VOTE!

I think there's only one seat available in my county. But I'll be going over there before family arrives.

I wish you a wonderful week.

1 comments on “Coffee Postponed A Week / Kickstarter Now Going

  1. Glad your family is visiting from where?? Have fun & as usual take & post photos. There are some places where instrumentals are welcome & spread your name & talent even further!!! Good luck to you both!!!

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