Cool Happenings in Theatre Class

Hey Marc! Something kinda cool happened today. You see, I was sitting in Theatre class just after the bell rang, and I heard a very interesting rhythmic ensemble of chiming. It sounded so very familiar…I think it was, hmmm, autoharp? Or something like that? Two more bars into it the recorder came in and I proceeded to flip out with much squeeing.

My Theatre teacher at North Mesquite High School has a Song of the Day every day, and a question to go with it (a writing prompt for our journals). The question today was, “What would you do if you had a million dollars?”

Marc said he would buy someone a keep, and Andrew repeated diligently to emphasize the point. Wait…do you know these guys?

My Theatre teacher's a fan. Everyone in the class gained 5 points for their test that day because I knew “If I Had A Million Ducats” by the Brobdingnagian Bards.

Thought I'd let you know.
