Dragon Hunting Returns…

Dragon Hunting is a terrible crime. Pirates, politicians, and the heartless, entitled rich are cruelly cutting down these beautiful creatures for fun and profit. I learned all about it when I was shanghaied by the notorious Captain Black Jack Murphy.

The true story of Pirates vs Dragons is back in podcast form under the name Hunting Dragons. It tells the story of how I was forced to hunt dragons as part of Murphy’s crew. And how I fought back as best I could.

Yes. It ended in tragedy. With the death of a beautiful dragon. But I learned a lot. And I eventually found my way home.

This story needs to be heard. Because we need to stop the atrocities that continue to haunt these glorious creatures.

Yes. You can buy the ebook and you can listen to the album over and over again on your favorite streaming service.

Now once again, you can hear the story is it was produced by David Reiland and as it was written by Steampunk author, Rie Sheridan Rose.

Help me save the dragons. Listen to Hunting Dragons now!