Fed Up with Google

I don’t know about you but I’m fed up with Google. It used to be THE place to search for the best stuff. Now it’s packed with Google results. Not the best results. But Google results. 

In the old days, I loved to research Celtic music. What are the new bands? What Celtic festivals are out there? 

I would search bands and read up on them. Did you know that many Celtic band websites are no longer the top search result? 

The problem is Google weights ITS websites above most things. So guess Show gets most of the Celtic music traffic? 


And is it filled with the top celtic bands in the world?

Nope. It’s symphonic New Age music. 

I’m fed up. 

I’m ditching YouTube for a better search engine. One that makes me feel happy—Ecosia!


Ecosia is a new kind of search engine. It’s a non-profit. They’re not trying to make money. Instead they’re trying to save the world. Every time you make a search, the money they earn goes towards planting trees!

Listen. I’m worried about our planet. What kind of works are we leaving for our children, for my kids?!

It is scary. 

Climate Change it happening. 99% of all climate scientists agree. 

Even if you don’t “believe” 99% of actual Scientists, the empirical facts are pollution is on the rise. Temperatures are rising as well. You can feel those changes. You can see them in your every day life. 

I’m learning ways to reduce my carbon footprint. I’m learning how to reduce waste. But I also know we need more trees. Our planets population continues to grow. Trees are cut down faster than our planet can handle. So Ecosia is a nobrainer. 

All you have to do is update your primary search engine. Then every time you make a search. Trees are planted. You can read all about the non-profit on their website. 

Are the results any better?

Well first, the search engine is powered by Bing. I’ll be honest I never liked the Look of Bing results. But visually Ecosia is a zillion times better. 

So far I’m far happier with the results too. Fewer Google properties in the listings. They aren’t hacking website traffic. 

And again… I’m planting trees!

That alone makes me feel better. It relieves some of anxiety about the careless destruction occurring daily. 

Do me a favor. 

Do yourself a favor. 

Do our planet a favor. 

Please add Ecosia as you default search engine. 

Then let me know what you think.