Firefly Fan Films

Just listed, without comment or recommendations

Done the Impossible
The movie that tells the story of how Firefly fans brought a failed TV show back to the big screen.

Operation Bloody Station
In the verse, reavers are a horrific reality. A new operation has been initiated by Alliance Scientists to remove reaver’s aggressive tendencies. This undertaking is known as Operation Restoration. Unfortunately in the verse, some things will never change.

Into the Black

Faith Of A Man (2006) is a fan film set in the verse of Joss Whedon's Firefly. It is a story based on a piece of fan fiction written by Obsidiana Girl. Faith of a Man reveals one man's reflections of a civil war. As a captain on the losing side, this man is privilaged to have had the opportunity to reflect on such experiences, and therefore finds his beliefs to be enlightened through hindsight.

Mosquito (parody)

Redemption (in production)
Malcolm Reynolds bought his Firefly class ship from a used shipyard. This is the story of the crew of that ship before it made it there to the shipyard.

The Bellflower
Earth-That-Was could no longer sustain our numbers, we were so many. We found a new solar system: dozens of planets and hundreds of moons. The central planets formed the Alliance. Ruled by an interplanetary parliament, the Alliance was a beacon of civilization. The savage outer planets were not so civilized and refused Alliance control…
And that's us, out here on the raggedy edge. Proudly independent, resisting authority, determined to make our own way in the ‘verse (sometimes even by honest means).
Welcome aboard the Bellflower. She may shake a little, but she'll get your package delivered on time, every time……Well… Most times… …Meh! We'll get 'round to it some time…

Waiting for Serenity (2005)
On a frontier planet, two Privateers head for a secret rendezvous – only to discover two rogue law-men with the same intent. Tensions rise until it's revealed that they're all waiting for the same ship.
It's first come, first served… Unless, of course, you're faster with a gun…

50 years in show business, 20 years of stand up comedy (including a world tour entertaining US troops) a dozen novels, several CDs, a couple of short story collections, produced plays (both stage and screen), and a daily comic strip. All of this and C. Wayne Owens considers himself as just getting started.