For Geniuses, Sliders Aren’t Very Smart

After a busy day of working on finances, I decided to take a break and watch Sliders before Voltaire‘s show tonight at Elysium. The show is amusing enough. Admittedly, after a full run through, I don't think I'll watch it again, but for now, I enjoy it, except… when the Sliders are being stupid… which is most of the time.

The group supposedly as two geniuses and smart gal in the mix. Yet, it gets annoying when in every other show, they get themselves involved in a very stupid way, “We have to leave in five minutes, let's jeopardize that by trying to [fill in the blank].”

I mean, if you're entire goal is to get home, and if you DON'T go through in time, you're stuck forever… Seems to me, you have one option. Maybe I'm just a little more realistic? But it starts to reek of Three's Company‘s mistaken identity. Gets annoying and makes me pissed. Okay, let it go Marc.

*grumbles* Stupid Sliders! 😉