Getting Over Feeling Overwhelmed

I love reading Seth Godin's blog. Seth provides a lot of great insight on marketing. But it's posts like today's that really inspire me so much that I keep reading regularly when so many other blogs disappear from my mind.

Someone asked if he gets tired of blogging every day. Seth responded about “Have to vs. Get to”. He looks at blogging as a… luxury. That's a great way to think of it. Especially right now.

I'm feeling wayyyy overwhelmed with all the projects I have to do: three CDs, two podcasts, three ezines, plus switching over to a strictly laptop lifestyle, plus a dozen other wee projects. And it's… I'm having trouble focusing on all the stuff I need to do.

But reading that… It's a little bit of hope. I mean, I'm fortunate enough to be able to hear and share all this great music in my podcasts. I got another email today, Rio writes:

“I got curious and listened to this fall and let me tell you they have nothing on your podcast. Again, I want to send out my sincere gratitude for your exponential growth in showmanship. Your choice of trad. Irish music gets better every time and your commentary seals the greatness. Hell, I give you full credit for the the A+ grades I've earned at college. Every time I'm having difficulty writing, reading, or doing math I just throw on your podcast and cha-ching, I complete my assignment. So, this is an addendum to my previous comment; I'm staying in school because of your podcast. Thank you!”

Seriously, how cool is that!

I'm just really fortunate that I share some great music with you. W00t!